Installs MODX using Nginx.
This role was created on/for Ubuntu Trusty installations and was specifically tested in an OpenVZ container environment.
The role uses the following variables, set in the defaults/main.yml file:
- Specific version of MODX to install (defaults to 2.2.14-pl)modx_install_dir
- Directory to install MODX (defaults to /var/www)modx_database_server
- Hostname of MySQL database (defaults to localhost)modx_database_name
- Name of the MODX database (defaults to modx_modx)modx_database_user
- MODX database username (defaults to modx)modx_database_password
- MODX database user password (defaults to wkc87kdo)modx_table_prefix
- Prefix to prepend to every created database table (defaults to modx_)modx_admin_username
- MODX administrator username (defaults to admin)modx_admin_password
- MODX administrator password (defaults to ocwn3o9cnjf)modx_admin_email
- MODX administrator email (defaults to
- MODX server timezone (defaults to America/Los_Angeles)
Depends on the Ansibles.mysql role.
ansible-galaxy install garnold.modx
Also check the Ansible Galaxy about page.
Example playbook for installing GitLab database and web servers on separate systems:
- hosts: modx
- { role: Ansibles.mysql, mysql_databases: [{name: "{{ modx_database_name }}"}], mysql_users: [{name: "{{ modx_database_user }}", pass: "{{ modx_database_password }}", host: "{{ modx_database_server }}", priv: "{{ modx_database_name }}.*:ALL"}]}
- { role: modx }
Gary Arnold