A library that can convert a CSV file to GLib.Objects and viceversa. For example:
public class Example : Object {
public string name { get; set; default = "hello"; }
public int something { get; set; default = 1; }
// This property is private read, therefore it won't appear in the CSV file
public bool boolean { private get; set; default = false; }
var serializer = new Valentine.ObjectSerializer<Example> ();
example.add_object (new Example ());
example.add_object (new Example () { name = "Hola" });
example.add_object (new Example () { something = 2 });
Will have the following output:
Parsing a CSV text is done in the following way:
string csv = """name,something
"Object 1,"45"
"Object 7","19"
"Object 9","13"
var deserializer = new Valentine.ObjectDeserializer<Example> ();
List<Example> object_list = deserializer.deserialize_from_string (csv);
foreach (var object in Example) {
print ("name: %s; something: "%i", object.name, object.something);
* Output:
* name: Object 1; something: 45
* name: Object 7; something: 19
* name: Object 9; something: 13
Valentine provides a simple API that converts GLib.Objects into a CSV file.
var serializer = new Valentine.ObjectSerializer<Adw.Flap> ();
serializer.add_object (new Adw.Flap ());
serializer.add_object (new Adw.Flap ());
stdout.printf (serializer.to_string ());
It also provides an option to save the document directly to a file:
serializer.save_to_file ("/var/home/user/Documents/my_file.csv");
It also provides an API that converts CSV files to Object Lists
var deserializer = new Valentine.ObjectDeserializer<Adw.Flap> ();
List<Adw.Flap> list = deserializer.deserializer_from_file ("/path/to/csv/file.csv");
Support for property types:
- Integers
- Booleans
- Strings
- Chars
- UChars
- Longs
- DateTimes
- Files
- Uint
- Floats
- Doubles
- Variants
- Flags
- Enums
- Possibility to add user defined functions to parse other types (such as custom classes)
Other features:
- Save directly to a file
- Parse CSV file and create an object with an expected type