This is a Java 8 project for short URL creation and save it into mongodb database. It uses:
To run using maven just execute the following command:
mvn clean spring-boot:run
The default configuration to the mongoDB is localhost:27017, if it is running at other host or port you can run the application using:
mvn clean spring-boot:run<MONGODB_HOST>,<MONGODB_PORT>
Or change the properties at application.yml file.
To generate the image from docker by maven just run:
mvn clean package docker:removeImage docker:build
To execute the application:
docker-compose [-f src/main/docker/docker-compose.yml] down && docker-compose [-f src/main/docker/docker-compose.yml] up -d
Viewing log:
docker logs -f docker_urlshortener-app_1
To see the API methods, run the application and go to:
Project Spring context settings.
Entities of the project.
Spring Data JPA repositories.
By default, they should extend MongoRepository<Entity, IDClass>.
It must end with the expression Repository.
REST Services Interfaces
Only DTOs should be exported.
It must end with the expression RestService.
Data Transfer Objects used to move the database data to the client.
REST Services Implementation
It must be annotated with @ RestController and @ RequestMapping ("/ api").
It must end with the expression RestServiceImpl.
Utility classes for generating REST services.
Interface of the services present in the project.
- It must end with the expression Service.
Concrete implementation of the services present in the project.
Manipulates DTOs and transforms them into the corresponding entity.
It must be annotated with @ Service.
It must end with the expression ServiceImpl.
DTO converter interface for entities.
It must extends EntityMapper<DTO, Entity>.
It must end with the expression Mapper.
Project Resources.
Spring configuration files.
- application.yml: Project Settings.
Test for the REST webservice and services project.
Configuration to execute the tests in this project.