The Co-op Prototyping Kit helps quickly create prototypes and showcase them on Heroku.
The easiest way to start a new prototype is to first download the Prototyping Kit as a zip and extract the contents to your machine.
This project uses Jekyll to generate pages, and various NPM packages with Gulp to compile the assets into the build
directory. To install all the necessary dependencies:
bundle install
npm install
Once dependencies have been installed, you can build and serve your prototype locally. Gulp commands are already set up to generate the Jekyll build, lint and compile the SASS and JavaScript, to copy over necessary assets from the Toolkit, and to run a local server for development.
The default gulp task will build and compile all the assets, start a local server, and watch for file changes:
Note: for the browser to reload automatically when a file changes, you will need to install the LiveReload extension.
If you simply need to view the prototype on your computer, you can run the server without re-building the prototype or starting the watch task:
gulp connect
A local version of the prototype will then be accessible at http://localhost:9000.
If you want to publish your prototype to Heroku, a few more steps are necessary:
Create a new repository for your prototype on the Co-op Github account (make sure the new repository is set to Private).
Link your local copy to the newly created Github repository. Make sure that you change your-repository-name to the name of the repository which you made above:
cd your-prototype
git init
git commit -a -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
(Inside 1 Angel Square, you can't use Git commands over HTTPS, only via SSH. This is because, we think, the WebSense egress proxy mangles the traffic.)
The next step is to create a new app on Heroku. Once this has been done, you'll need to configure a couple of things:
In the Settings tab, add the following Config variables and set them to your choosing:
Still in the Settings tab, make sure both the Ruby and NodeJS buildpacks have been added to the app:
NOTE: the buildpacks need to be added in this order, as the Jekyll Gem needs to be installed before the main Gulp task it run.
- In the Deploy tab, choose 'Connect to Github' as a deployment method
- Search for and connect to the repository you have created
- Enable Automatic Deploys for this app if needed
You can test that your app is building and deploying correctly by running a manual deployment from the Deploy tab. If you have enabled automatic deploys, the app will automatically rebuild and deploy when changes are pushed to the master branch.