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The aim of this sample application is to demonstrate the usage of the DSM framework based on ExtJS

This part includes :

  • A test.cgi : it will verify the authentication of the current user under DSM before executing itself (inspired from the DSM Developper's Guide).
    Note that this part is now no more included in the package to have a NOARCH package instead (demo on Python, Perl, Bash CGI still exist in the package)
  • A tar of the API docs : to document the usage of each UI component under DSM (in the docs folder)

This repo doesn't include :

  • The SPK package for SimpleExtJSApp. For that refer to the SimpleExtJSApp source in the useful links section available in the Synology DSM info page

Notes :

  • The test CGI is called via an Ajax request (to "/webman/3rdparty/simpleextjsapp/test.cgi" URL)
  • Once the SPK is installed on the NAS, the test.cgi is located in "/usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/simpleextjsapp/test.cgi"
  • The package part is generated via SPKSRC

For more information, please refer to the SimpleExtJSApp Wiki page.

Demo Application

To have access to the demo application on DSM 7.0, add the below repo to your packages source :

Two shortcuts are available under DSM :

  • Application launch
  • Link to API docs


Current application features :

  • Server calls demo : CGI (C, Perl, Python or Bash) or API (Syno, External) :

  • Widgets samples accessible via several tabs :

  • Each tab is displaying the corresponding GUI components (standard/advanced) :

  • Usage of JSonStore to call Syno API or customized CGI :
  • Integrated API docs (UX widgets & components):


This page is a work in progress and is to be considered for advanced users : )

Demo Widget

The demo widget is available in a dedicated package.

Once installed this widget is available under the name "Customized" in the widget menu :

This widget is only displaying a message and the name of your NAS :

Details of the widget code is available at :

From ExtJS to DSM

Check this ExtJSDemo repo for a project example