Unity script snippets. Both in js and c#
basicLOD basic LOD system that enables and disables two sets of meshes (low and highpoly) based on distance to the player
Bullet moves an object forward
Buoyancy makes objects float at a given height
Buttontest programmatically generates new UI buttons
CarController old car controller from Unitys example project
Cheat allows for cheats that are entered ingame
ClickDetection detects left/mid/right clicks on ui elements
Die destroys a gameobject a few seconds after it was created
Dontgothrough makes sure a rigidbody doesnt go through thin colliders when it should collide with them
expCurve explains how to make an experience curve for leveling up characters
Explosion explodes an object by replacing it with a destroyed model and flinging it apart
Filesaver loads and writes .txt files from/to disk
Floating makes an object gently float up and down. requires mathfx
GUIratiofixer fixes the screen ratio for the old GUI
Helicopter helicopter controller
layerculldistances sets culling distances of objects based on layers
lenkung most basic car controller imaginable
mathfx library intended to replace mathf offers several easing functions for interpolation
meshgen generates a terrain mesh from either heightmap or perlin noise(if no heightmap is present)
mousedetector old GUI mouse input detector
parser .obj file importer
raycaster raycast forward and send message to hit object
RemoveChildren destroys all child objects
ReplaceSplatmap unity terrain splatmap replacer
RigidbodyCarrier allows to carry rigidbodies
RigidbodyController very basic rigidbody controller
rigidwalker rigidbody controllers off the wiki
saucer UFO controller
SetPivot allows moving the pivot of an object in unity
smoothfollow smoothly follows a target
SplashManager manager formultiple splash screens
spriteAnim animates a sprite from a sprite sheet from before unity 2d tools were released
test test class for mathfx
TextFader blends a text in and out for notifications
thruster an object that produces thrust for rocketjumping style movement
time Time and calendar
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