Realtime Tracking of your Workers' Activities Not all features are currently avaiable. This is a work in progress.
Team Manager brings all of your communicatinos in one place so you can follow what workers are doing, what the project physicaly looks like, and what tasks are currently being done.
You can post photos and notes and reply to other posts keeping your communcation all together. Workers in the field upload photos through their mobile phones while you send replies from your desk. If you are away from our web page, an alert will show you photos as your team uploads them, live. You are always aware of what your people are doing.
The timeline is the heart of your application. In the Timeline you can see all of your jobs together in parallel so it is easy to see how things are coming along and plot a path to completion. Keep track of each worker, watching where they go over the day and week, and see photos of their accomplishments. We recommend your workers take pictures when they arrive at a work site, when they leave, and at the beginning and end of each task they perform. These photos leave a trail of what they have been doing with their time.
Soon you will be able to set goals for your workers. These goals will be visible in their timelines, and can give alerts when they are approaching, when they are achieved, and when they are missed. Everyone knows the situation.