A ZIO + http4s + Circe + Quill + Tapir giter8 template
brew update && brew install giter8
g8 pandaforme/ultron.g8
Create a package in
for example:xyz
Create an interface in
trait XYZ {
val service: XYZ.Service
object XYZ {
trait Service {
def doXYZ(): ZIO[Any, Error, Unit]
- Create a package object in
package object xyz {
def doXYZ(id: Long): ZIO[XYZ, Error, Unit] =
- Create an instance for test/live in
trait LiveXYZ extends XYZ {
override val service: XYZ.Service = new XYZ.Service {
def doXYZ(): ZIO[Any, Error, Unit] = ???
- Create your own route in
and pass your interface into enviroment type
class XyzRoute[R <: XYZ] extends Http4sDsl[TaskR[R, ?]] {
private val xyzEndPoint = endpoint.get
.in("xyz" / path[Long]("user id"))
val getRoutes: HttpRoutes[TaskR[R, ?]] = ???
val getEndPoints = List(xyzEndPoint)
Write unit test
Add your interfaces to
, routes tohttpApp
and provide Live instances inMain.scala
object Main extends App {
type AppEnvironment = Clock with Console with UserRepository with MyLogger with XYZ
private val userRoute = new UserRoute[AppEnvironment]
private val xyzRoute = new XyzRoute[AppEnvironment]
private val yaml = userRoute.getEndPoints.toOpenAPI("User", "1.0").toYaml
override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[Main.Environment, Nothing, Int] = {
val result = for {
application <- ZIO.fromTry(Try(Application.getConfig))
httpApp = Router(
"/" -> userRoute.getRoutes,
"/" -> xyzRoute.getRoutes,
"/docs" -> new SwaggerHttp4s(yaml).routes[TaskR[AppEnvironment, ?]]).orNotFound
finalHttpApp = Logger.httpApp[ZIO[AppEnvironment, Throwable, ?]](true, true)(httpApp)
server = ZIO.runtime[AppEnvironment].flatMap { implicit rts =>
BlazeServerBuilder[ZIO[AppEnvironment, Throwable, ?]]
.bindHttp(application.server.port, application.server.host.getHostAddress)
.compile[ZIO[AppEnvironment, Throwable, ?], ZIO[AppEnvironment, Throwable, ?], ExitCode]
program <- server.provideSome[Environment] { base =>
new Clock with Console with LiveUserRepository with LiveLogger with LiveXyz{
val clock: Clock.Service[Any] = base.clock
val console: Console.Service[Any] = base.console
val config: Config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(
"dataSourceClassName" -> application.database.className.value,
"dataSource.url" -> application.database.url.value,
"dataSource.user" -> application.database.user.value,
"dataSource.password" -> application.database.password.value
} yield program
.foldM(failure = err => putStrLn(s"Execution failed with: $err") *> ZIO.succeed(1), success = _ => ZIO.succeed(0))
Swagger: http://localhost:5566/docs
User API: http://localhost:5566/user