Python 3 + Jupyter Notebook (with themes) + TensorFlow + PyTorch + TensorBoard + CUDA/CuDNN
Excellent for AI research on GPU(s) in Python. The Dockerfile is heavily based on TensorFlow dockerfiles.
Requires Docker (>=19.03), NVIDIA driver and nvidia-docker (see how to install it here). Tested on Debian 10, should work on Ubuntu, CentOS and RHEL as well.
Use the following command to run the notebook:
docker-compose up
If you want to make your adjustments (like I do with the KGTN repo):
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-KGTN.yml up
Now navigate to The default password is: Cybermyszki7
The following code will fire up tensorboard:
docker exec -it [container_name] tensorboard --logdir=/tf/logs --bind_all
Now you can navigate to to access tensorboard.
You can change the default password.
In Python (pip install ipython
if needed) do the following:
from IPython.lib import passwd
> Enter password:
> Verify password:
> 'sha1:xxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Now you have to copy the SHA hash to the Dockerfile and built it on your computer (might take 15 minutes or so).
docker build -t 0xdfdfdf/ai-notebook .