A Bitcoin SSID ticker for ESP8266's written in Arduino C/C++
Using this software, your ESP8266 will connect to your wifi-network, get the current Bitcoin price (in euro, but can easily be changed to pounds or dollars) and then start an access point named '📈 1 bitcoin = € 1000,-' where 1000 is the current going rate. Then it will wait for a minute, and start over.
There are two settings at the top of the source file, namely:
const char* ssid = "my ssid"; //This is where you put in your home network's SSID to connect to
const char* password = "my password"; //This is where you put in your home network's password
This information is required to be able to get the current Bitcoin exchange rate.
Some code has been borrowed from @nebman 's btc-ticker-esp8266.
The idea for this project came from @buzztiaan who referenced @shesek's bitcoin-ssid-ticker.
Buy me some coffee using Bitcoin at 19rh9CsKvXiyx7QZi357Bx6vzkPEjj6veT or PayPal! Thanks!