Rshell executes commands read from standard input.
Type any command, and Rshell will execute the corresponding program.
Enter Ctrl-C
to kill a command in progress.
Type cd <PATH>
to change the working directory to .
cd -
will change to the previous working directory,
and cd
will change to your home directory.
Type exit
or enter Ctrl-D
to quit the shell.
Enter multiple commands on a single line by using these connectors:
executes the right side if the left side succeeds.
executes the right side if the left side fails.
always executes the right side.
never executes the right side (thus making it a comment).
Connectors at the start of a line will proceed as if the left side succeeded, and connectors at the end of a line will be ignored. Connectors are evaluated left to right.
If multiple connectors are adjacent to each other, undefined behavior will result.
If Ctrl-C
is entered while the shell is idle, the user must press ENTER
to clear the shell input.
If Ctrl-D
is entered, Rshell will attempt to run the current command before exiting.
may need to be pressed twice to properly exit.
Arguments cannot have connectors, quotes, or other special characters in them.
ls lists information about one or more files or directories, using the current working directory if none are specified.
If -l
is not given, ls will arrange the files in rows and columns,
left-to-right then top-to-bottom.
ls lists files in non-case-sensitive alphabetical order,
and normally ignores files starting with .
Also list files starting with .
these files will be listed before all other files.
List more detailed information about each file.
List all subdirectories recursively.
Unlike GNU ls, this program will not print files in color.