App based on typescript, react and SCSS (
git clone
cd ./cra-scss
yarn start
public/ public files for build
src/ code of all application
/api predefined list of queries to BE
/components moleculas in atomic design. Reusable components (like buttons, inputs etc.). Should have only ui logic, not business logic (dumb components).
/sections organisms in atomic design. Could contain business logic, but main purpose is combining components
/styles styles, themes, theme provider and so on
/utils functions helpers (fetch, get headers and so on)
index.tsx app entry point
index.css basic styles of application (html, body)
Please use following style/princeples:
1) Use only dumb components (without business logic) in components folder
2) Components should know how do they look like, not sections that contains it
It means - instead of redefining styles on every page - just make new type of button/input inside button/input component and just pass this type on your page
3) Make sections and pages small and readable as it possible (no need to make more than 40 lines of jsx inside page)
** styles **
5) scss variables should be used just for sematic highlighting value maning
6) css-variables declared globaly in /styles/globals.scss preferable to use in app
7) themes declared in /styles/themes
7.1) If you'd like to apply specific theme just wrap your component in <ThemeProvider theme="YOUR_THEME"> WRAPPED_COMPONENT </ThemeProvider>
7.2) ThemeProvider resides in /styles/themes/ThemeProvider.tsx