Windows Privilege Escalation Assistant v0.0.1
__/\__ _____ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ _ _____ ___ ____ /\
/ |/\\ \ / |_ _| \ | / ___| / ___| / \ | | / \|_ _/ _ \| _ |/\|
/ / \ \ /\ / / | || \| \___ \| | / _ \ | | / _ \ | || | | | |_) |
/ / \ V V / | || |\ |___) | |___ / ___ \| |___ / ___ \| || |_| | _ <
____/_/ \_/\_/ |___|_| \_|____/ \____/_/ \_|_____/_/ \_|_| \___/|_| \_\
This tool tries to assist the researcher/pentester/student in the enumeration stages at a Windows machine, looking for ways to to escalate privileges once committed an initial target with a user and a remote shell. Initially, this tool can run in the attacker's machine or in the remote machine, and some info will be requested in order to prepare the available paths or branches to follow till Privilege Escalation success. The assistant will suggest commands to execute a writable folder in the target. These commands will generate file outputs that serves to privilege escalation methodology in order to identify potential ways to escalate.
To run Winscalator it is mandatory to have Python 3 (created with Python 3.9.6) or higher and some python libraries.
You can install these with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: Winscalator works in python 3.9.6. Make sure you run a pip relative to this version.
python \<PROJECT_NAME\> [-t]
The first parameter is the name of the proyect to create (must be a keyname, with only a word). It will create a folder under the application path to process all needed information in.
The optional parameter -t if given, will specify if the assistant is being executed at the same machine that the target.
python TEST -t
__/\__ _____ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ _ _____ ___ _____ /\
/ /\ \ / |_ _| \ | / ___| / ___| / \ | | / \|_ _/ _ \| _ |/\|
/ / \ \ /\ / / | || \| \___ \| | / _ \ | | / _ \ | || | | | |_) |
/ / \ V V / | || |\ |___) | |___ / ___ \| |___ / ___ \| || |_| | _ <
____/_/ \_/\_/ |___|_| \_|____/ \____/_/ \_|_____/_/ \_|_| \___/|_| \_\
[*] Winscalator 0.0.1 ( ) [*]
[*] By: R. Trigo, Aka.'Dr. Enfermo' (@drenfermo) [*]
[*] USAGE: python ' <PROJECT_NAME> [-t]' [*]
-t: Target machine is where assistant is running.
[*] (CTRL + C to EXIT PROGRAM) [*]
[+] The name of your project will be:
[*] Are you sure to continue? (y/n):
You can skip the steps not needed for the main clasess population (basically minimal info for system and user in target machine).
Yo will complete each step copying the commands and launching them against the remote shell in Windows Target machine. If the files are not in the same machine than the one we're executing the assistant, we will need to copy that files (or the output result in the remote shell) to the specific file output in the project's folder (within the application directory).