The Dragon Bot is a Twitch bot that allows other developers to make plugins and expand it to make it better,
this bot was created with the ideas that Spigot was created under. To allow the users to make their
own addons to it to make it fit their needs.
This project uses Java 8 so please make sure you have it
These are some plugins that I have made for the bot that serve as a nice way to introduce people to the API that comes with it.
- Essentials - A plugin aimed at adding essential functionality to the bot.
You can get access to the API by downloading the bot's jar file and including it in your build path
or you can run mvn install
on the latest tag.
I need to get around to putting the bot on my maven repo
I use maven (as apparent by the presence of a pom.xml
) so you can get 'nightly' builds
by cloning the repo and running mvn package shade:shade
I like to clean deprecated things out as quickly as possible, sometimes something that is not deprecated might get removed too because I replaced it with something I think to be more effective.
Please request a feature by either making a pull request with said feature or making an issue requesting said feature.
Help me continue working on this bot by donating so I can keep my workstation running and maybe if I have enough money I can get a Jenkins build server running. Donate here