The name's DrenSkywalker but you can call me Dren ~
I'm currently employed and I am a front-end blockchain developer. Feel free to contact me if you need β¨
const dren = {
planet: "Earth",
specie: "Humanoid Synthetic Hybrid",
class: "Virtual Artificer",
specializations: {
"frontend-developer": "3 Years",
"ui-ux-designer": "3 Years",
"3d-artist": "1 Year"
knowledges: {
languages: [HTML, CSS, Sass, Javascript],
code: [React, Vite, Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind, Astro],
tools: [Firebase, Supabase],
design: [Figma, Blender]
pronouns: "she/her" | "he/him" | "they/them",
awesome: true,
π» Html & Css / Scss Only
These projects are for the freeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design Certification.