This script fixes an issue in which outdated information continues to be used for alternate answers in your Memrise courses. It works by sending a post request to Memrise for each piece of information in your course's database. The post request tells Memrise that you modified a piece of information without actually making any changes, which forces Memrise to re-evaluate the invisible information that may have become outdated.
This script has the following requirements:
- python 3
- libraries:
- requests
- sys
- multiprocessing
- lxml
You must also make a file in the root directory of your script called '' and create a python dictionary of your cookies. It should look something like this:
cookies = {'_sp_id.7bc7': '06d67edb75b999999.1466999953.100.1555544393.1234573782',
'_sp_ses.7bc7': '*',
'csrftoken': 'nxIto89I10jvMe45lt5xBJ8xnQkWayh3',
'fbm_143688012353890': '',
'fbsr_143688012353890': 'bGNeJtlEkaCEISsa4th4J1-FvygfuhFgBuu7qnnS1M.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',
'i18next': 'en',
'sessionid': 'xrxg3zofonxnfmf5gfdgv5444defa71'}
If you need help finding these details, you can get this through Chrome. Just log in to Memrise through the Chrome browser. With open and logged in, press the three dots on the right of your toolbar, near the top of Chrome. Go to More Tools
and click Developer Tools
. A window will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click the Application
tab on that window. On the left you'll see a folder called Cookies
. Expand that folder by clicking the arrow to the left of it. Click
. Those are your cookies. Format them as shown above.
type python **database_page**
, where **database_page**
is the url of the first page after you enter your course's database
For example:
This example script will add audio to any words that are missing it for the course
. This course's database page is