DSH sign in system using Drexel ID cards. Included automatic addition to emailing list for new, unrecognized members.
- Fast RFID-Based DSHouse sign-in using Drexel ID cards
- User management with Firebase
- New member email automation with Mailchimp
- Sound effects
- Python 3.7
- Drexel RFID Scanner
- Internet-connected computer
- Necessary credential and setup files (creds.json, scriptDetails.txt)
- Connect the RFID Scanner to the computer via USB.
- Wait for the main LED light to turn red.
- Clone the git repository to your local file system
- Place the creds.json and scriptDetails.txt into the root folder (DSHouse-Login-Auto/)
- In the root project folder, run
python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Then run
python3.7 cardReader.py
. The program should launch.
Version 1.0 - Initial Release. Version 2.0 - Made multiple sequential sign-ins faster. Added sounds, and connection to the mailchimp API.