Dropnote - your personal coffee brewings diary.
Download on the App Store.
There are a few reasons. The main one is sharing knowledge and opinions.
I'd like to learn throught discussions, open issues and code/design changes. I hope that it may also be a learning opportunity or interesting experience for others.
If you want to know more about code base, its design and used patterns (or made mistakes) take a look at app design page.
- Clone the repo to working directory
- Dependencies are managed with CocoaPods, so you have to run:
pod install
If you don't have CocoaPods installed, run:
[sudo] gem install cocoapods
- Open the
in Xcode:
open Brewer.xcworkspace
Brewer is the initial name (current code name) of the project. Dropnote was made up much later.
Look here.
Honestly, I don't expect much contribution in this personal project, but if you find a bug I'd appreciate an issue or pull request.
Primarily, I'd love to hear feedback about code design or used solutions.
Dropnote is desinged by Gosia.
Thanks to translators:
- Magda Zadara - German
- Rafał Tulwin - Spanish
- Adrien Julé - French