SPCI software calculates fragments contributions to a modeled property by means of interpretation of QSAR models (https://github.com/DrrDom/spci). This package helps to analyze and visualize contributions.
First install devtools
Then run from the R console
Use the same command to update the package if necessary.
load text file with contributions (normally this file is located in a dir of modeled property and names default_frag_contributions.txt or auto_frag_contributions.txt, etc)
file_name <- system.file("extdata", "BBB_frag_contributions.txt", package = "rspci")
d <- load_data(file_name)
add full names containing info about fragments occurencies
d <- add_full_names(d)
filter fragments by count to discard rarely occured fragments (optional); there are other filters which may be applied
d <- filter_by_frags_count(d)
reorder data according to specific model and contribution for nice visualization and consistent order of fragments on different plots
d <- reorder_data(d, "consensus", "overall")
add significance levels to data
d <- add_signif(d)
keep only overall contributions for visualization
d1 <- filter_by_prop_names(d, "overall")
plot_contrib(d1, plot_type = "barplot")
flipped boxplot with significance levels
plot_contrib(d1, flip = FALSE, show_sign_text = "ptext")
barpplot with significance levels
plot_contrib(d1, plot_type = "barplot", show_sign_text = "ptext")
keep only physico-chemical contributions
d2 <- filter_by_prop_names(d, remove_prop_names = "overall")
plot_contrib(d2, plot_type = "barplot")
not fliped barplot
plot_contrib(d2, plot_type = "barplot", flip = FALSE)
not fliped barplot with siginificance levels
plot_contrib(d2, plot_type = "barplot", flip = FALSE, show_sign_text = "ptext")
These commands return summary table of the consensus model sorted by median overall contributions of the fragments
library(dplyr) # to use %>% function
d <- add_full_names(d) # required, as full_name column will be used for grouping
d <- filter_by_frags_count(d) # optional, to remove rarely occured fragments
df <- d %>%
filter(Property == "overall", Model == "consensus") %>%
group_by(full_name) %>%
summarise(median = median(Contribution)) %>%
Load data again
file_name <- system.file("extdata", "BBB_frag_contributions.txt", package = "rspci")
d <- load_data(file_name)
d <- add_full_names(d)
select a fragment and desired contributions to cluster
dx <- dplyr::filter(d, FragID == "OH (aliphatic)", Model == "consensus", Property == "overall")
build a Gaussian mixture model which detects possible clusters in the distribution of fragment contributions
m <- clust(dx$Contribution, dx$MolID)
The model can be visualized
plot_mclust(m, "Main title", 0.05)
Parameters (mean, variance, proportion) of the clusters can be retrieved
p <- get_clust_params(m)
Molecule IDs which where supplied to clust
function together with fragment contributions can be retrieved as well and further analyzed for possible patterns
ids <- get_mol_ids(m, uncert = 0.2)
It is possible to build many models at once for a selected model and save them to grid image
dy <- dplyr::filter(d, Model == "consensus", Property == "overall")
models <- clust_all(dy, "full_name")
save_mclust_plots("models.png", models)
- Polishchuk, P. G.; Kuz'min, V. E.; Artemenko, A. G.; Muratov, E. N., Universal Approach for Structural Interpretation of Qsar/Qspr Models. Mol. Inf. 2013, 32, 843-853 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/minf.201300029 - structural interpretation.
- Polishchuk, P.; Tinkov, O.; Khristova, T.; Ognichenko, L.; Kosinskaya, A.; Varnek, A.; Kuz’min, V., Structural and Physico-Chemical Interpretation (SPCI) of QSAR Models and Its Comparison with Matched Molecular Pair Analysis. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2016, 56, 1455-1469 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jcim.6b00371 - integrated structural and physicochemical interpretation.
- Matveieva, M.; Cronin, M. T. D.; Polishchuk, P., Interpretation of QSAR Models: Mining Structural Patterns Taking into Account Molecular Context. Molecular Informatics 2018, 38, 1800084. - https://doi.org/10.1002/minf.201800084 - context-dependent interpretation