- Built-in source control for basic tasks
- Drag tabs to be side-by-side windows
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Quick access terminal
- Search all files (Ctrl + Shift + F)
- Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
- EditorConfig (Properties)
- GitLens
- Language Specific
- Live Server
- Visual Studio IntelliCode
- vscode-icons
- Console for JavaScript
- Edit Cookies
- Edit localStorage
- Inspecting HTML/CSS structure
- View Network activity
- Building Blocks
- ES5 (Spec)
- ES6/ES2015 (Spec)
- Frameworks
- Minification
- Node.js
- Polyfill
- Transpiling
- Elements
- head, body, title, meta, link, script, a, img, h1, div, span, p, br, ul, iframe, table, button, input, form, label, select, option, textarea, strong/em/b
- HTML5 (Semantics)
- footer, header, nav, main, article, section, aside, figure, video, audio
- Database (SQL, NoSQL)
- PHP/WordPress
- UX
- Webpack
- Gulp
- Image types (GIF, JPG, PNG, SVG, WEBP)
- Image compressions (lossy, lossless)
- DNS, Domains (WHOIS)
- React/Redux, Vue
- Terminal (auto-completion, cd, dir, &&, ctrl+c)
- Docker
- Unit Testing (Jest)
- PWA's
- Electron
- Web Sockets
- Sentry
- Google Analytics
SPELL CHECK https://caniuse.com/ console.log https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/ https://regex101.com/ w3c validator