is an R package for health economic simulation modeling and decision analysis that provides a general framework for integrating statistical analyses with economic evaluation. The package currently supports N-state partitioned survival models (PSMs) and individual-level continuous time state transition models (CTSTMs), as well as summarizing the output of probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA). It is designed for high performance simulation modeling and heavily utilizes Rcpp
and data.table
. hesim
is being actively developed and we will provide support for discrete time state transition models (DTSTMs) and cohort-level CTSTMs in the near future. We expect to release a stable version in the beginning of January.
Features of the current version include:
- N-state PSMs and individual-level CTSTMs
- Modeling patient heterogeneity
- Parameter estimates from either an R based model or from an external source
- Parameter uncertainty propagated with PSA
- Sampling parameters of a statistical model fit with R using Monte Carlo methods or bootstrapping
- Simulation code written in
to boost performance
# Install the most up to date development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
# Install v0.1 (without economic modeling) from CRAN: