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API Changes in Dynamo 1.1

Martin Misol Monzo edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 4 revisions

Dynamo Core

  • Dynamo.Models.DynamoModel added IStartConfiguration2 derived from IStartConfiguration. It contains a single property IsHeadless. If the object passed to DynamoModel.Start is derived from this new interface, and the IsHeadless property is true, then update checking and analytics are disabled. This interface should be merged with IStartConfiguration in 2.0
  • Dynamo.Interfaces.IPreviewBubblePreference is added, this interface defines a single bool representing if preview bubbles should be on or off. This interface should be merged with IPreferences in 2.0
  • Dynamo.Interfaces.IBackgroundPreviewPreference is added, this interface defines settings about different background previews. This interface should be merged with IPreferences in 2.0
  • PreferenceSettings now also implements IPreviewBubblePreference and IBackgroundPreviewPreference
  • Dynamo.Wpf.ViewModels.Watch3D.IWatchPreferenceProperties is added which defines a background preview name used to store the background preview state (on or off) for background preview preferences.
  • DefaultWatch3DViewModel now also implements IWatchPreferenceProperties


  • The ITransformable interface has been introduced, this interface can be applied to a render package implemenation to provide users of those render packages with the ability to transform their geometry inside the visualization pipeline. For example, HelixRenderPackge as part of Dynamo Studio can make use of Transforms that a node author sets during tessellation. Note: this API is still in development and is a new addition post Dynamo 1.0, currently it requires using reflection to make sure it exists to avoid breaking backward compatibility with Dynamo 1.0. see this entry for more information: here



How To

Dynamo Internals


Python3 Upgrade Work



API and Dynamo Nodes

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