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ARM Debugger

An easy to use, powerful debugger. You can import a rom, and an sgm file, and set breakpoints, watchpoints, and readpoints, view/modify registers and memory, output results to a txt file, disassemble the code, and more!

Set Up

Make sure you have Python installed, and download the repository. You can then unpack it and open "", and that's it! From there, you can type in help or ? to get detailed info on the available commands. You can also start from the command line with two optional arguments: [filepath to rom] [filepath to savestate]

Don't have Python? Download the exe and settings file here:

To execute ROM instructions, you'll need to import a ROM. You can use the command importrom [filepath]. You can upload savestate files that are in .sgm format using importstate [filepath].

> importrom C:\Users\GenericName\Games\Roms\romname.gba
ROM loaded successfully
> importstate C:\Users\GenericName\Games\Saves\statename.sgm
State loaded successfully

# works with or without quotation marks, regardless of spaces in the path name, 
# so clicking and dragging a file to the command window will work after typing importrom/importstate

Settings may be changed in the Debugger_Settings.txt file. You can change the default output files, output formats, the file size limit, or the initial registers. You can also write debugger commands to execute whenever the program starts up.

If you ever get stuck in an infinite loop, press ctrl + c to escape it.

That's pretty much all you need to get started. The rest of this readme is just here to explain some features.

Basic Commands

  • n (count) - execute count instruction(s), displaying the registers. Count=1 by default.
  • c (count) - execute count instruction(s). Count=infinity by default.
  • b [addr] - set a breakpoint at addr. CPU execution will halt after addr is executed.
    • if addr is "all", displays all break/write/readpoints
  • bw [addr] - set a watchpoint. CPU execution will halt after addr has been written to.
  • br [addr] - set a readpoint. CPU execution will halt after addr has been read from.
  • bc [condition] - set a conditional breakpoint. CPU execution will halt if condition is true.
  • d [addr] - delete a breakpoint
    • if addr is "all", deletes all break/write/readpoints
  • dw [addr] - delete a watchpoint
  • dr [addr] - delete a readpoint
  • dc [index] - delete a conditional breakpoint by index number
  • i - print the CPU registers
  • dist [addr] (count) - display count THUMB instructions starting from addr
  • disa [addr] (count) - display count ARM instructions starting from addr
  • m [addr] (bytecount) (size) - display bytecount bytes of memory at addr (count=1, size=1 by default)
  • asm (-varname) (addr): (command) - assemble a command written in Thumb
    • if varname is included, the commands will be stored in the User Variable varname as a byte string
    • if addr is included, you can utilize absolute address references, like bl $08014878 or ldr r0, [$08014894]
    • if command is omitted, it enters multiline mode, allowing you to paste multiple commands
  • disasm [code] - disassembles a single 16-bit number into a Thumb instruction
    • if code is a byte string, this command can disassemble multiple instructions
  • fbounds [addr] - detects and displays the boundaries of the Thumb function containing addr

Enter in nothing to execute the previous command.

Arguments are separated by spaces. Arguments in brackets [...] are required, and parentheses (...) are optional.
All commands accept expressions as arguments, however if the command accepts multiple arguments, the expressions must not contain spaces.


With this debugger, you can utilize and modify registers and memory directly as though they were python variables. You can assign values to variables by typing in: name = expression

test = 12345678   # creates a user variable named 'test'

Assigning a value to registers and memory is just as easy

r0 = test   # sets the actual register r0 equal to test
m($02000000) = r0   # sets the memory at $02000000 equal to r0
m($08000000) = bytestring  # using a bytestring, like b'example', you can easily overwite multiple bytes of memory

Default variables are r0-r16, sp, lr, pc, and m(addr, size). (size=4 by default). r16 is CPSR
There are also 4 global variables that may be accessed, but not directly modified:

  • MODE - 0 if in ARM mode, 1 if in THUMB mode
  • ADDR - The current address
  • INSTR - The next machine code instruction to be executed
  • CPUCOUNT - The total number of CPU instructions executed since the beginning of the session

Attempts to modify these (or any other) global variables will instead create a User Variable with the same name.
In Execution Mode, these and any other global variables may be modified.

You can also modify variables with compound assignment operators. (+=, -=, *=, etc). m(r1) += r2
Expressions may include any combination of variables and mathematical operations.
Expressions may be typed directly into to the console to print their value.
Hexadecimal numbers must be preceded by "0x" or "$".

base = $08000000
m(base + 0xc, 8) = 4*r0 + r1*r2 - m(r3)//4

You can use expressions in place of any arguments

If the command takes multiple arguments, then each expression must not contain spaces.

> chardata = $02000520
> m chardata+$14C*4 10
02000A50:  696C6546 00000078 00000000 05000000   Felix...........
02000A60:  00220046 3ACF4000 000C0020 0102001A   F."..@.: .......
02000A70:  00000000 0077006D                     ....m.w.

Higher Level Commands

  • if [condition]: [command] - execute command if condition is true
  • while [condition]: [command] - repeat command while condition is true
  • rep/repeat [count]: [command] - repeat command count times
  • [name][op][expression] - create/modify a User Variable
  • def [name]: [commands]
    • bind a list of commands separated by semicolons to name
    • execute these functions later by typing in "name()"
    • you can call functions within functions, with unlimited nesting
  • tree [addr] (depth) - prints a tree of functions based on what functions are called in Thumb mode
  • save (name) - create a local save; name = PRIORSTATE by default
  • load (name) - load a local save; name = PRIORSTATE by default
  • dv [name] - delete user variable
  • df [name] - delete user function
  • ds (name) - delete local save; name = PRIORSTATE by default
  • vars - print all user variables
  • funcs - print all user functions
  • saves - print all local saves

You can write multiple commands in a single line by separating them with ;
You can use multiple-command if/while/repeat instructions by separating each inner command with ..
(using a semicolon will end the if/while/repeat instruction)
The commands may be anything, including function calls, loops, and even Debugger Mode Swaps.

> wram = $02000000; m wram 32
02000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
02000010:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
> iter = 0; rep 32: m(wram + iter) = iter .. iter += 1; m wram 32
02000000:  00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F   ................
02000010:  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F   ................
> def clear: iter = 0; while iter < arg1: m(arg0 + iter, 1) = 0 .. iter += 1
> arg0 = wram; arg1 = 16; clear()
> m wram 32
02000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
02000010:  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F   ................
> funcs
{'clear': iter = 0; while iter < arg1: m(arg0 + iter, 1) = 0 .. iter += 1}

Local Saves

save and load only apply to local saves. Local saves are temporarily stored in the current session. They can be given names and loaded with those names at any time. To overwrite an actual savestate file, use exportstate.

File and OS Commands

  • importrom [filepath] - import a rom into the debugger
  • importstate [filepath] - import a savestate
  • exportstate (filepath) - save the current state to a file;
    • filepath = (most recent import) by default
    • will overwrite the destination, back up your saves!
  • exportrom (filepath) - save the current ROM to a file;
    • filepath = (most recent import) by default
    • will overwrite the destination, back up your saves!
  • reset - reset the emulator (clears the RAM and resets the registers)
  • output [condition]
    • after each CPU instruction, if condition is True, the debugger will write data to "Debugger_Output.txt"
    • if condition is clear, deletes all of the data in "Debugger_Output.txt"
  • terminal [command]
    • allows you to bind the terminal to "Debugger_Terminal.txt", where things look exactly how they do in the terminal
    • command may be true or false to bind/unbind. If omitted, it toggles the bound state
    • if command is clear, deletes all of the data in "Debugger_Terminal.txt"
  • format: [formatstr] - set the format of data sent to the output file; see Formats
  • cls - clear the console
  • dir (path) - print all files/folders in the directory specified by path
  • getcwd - print the path of the current directory
  • chdir [path] - change the current directory
  • quit/exit - exit the program


Data sent to Debugger_Output.txt after each instruction may be formatted however you like. You can choose what data to display, including data from memory, user expressions, global variables, or any of the preset values: {addr}, {instr}, {asm}, {r0-r16}, and {cpsr}

> output True
> format: example text {addr}: {instr}  {asm}\n  {r0-r3}
> c 3

Result in Debugger_Output.txt:

example text 08000000: EA000108  b $08000428
  R00: 08000000  R01: 000000EA  R02: 00000000  R03: 00000000
example text 08000428: E3A00012  mov r0, 0x12
  R00: 00000012  R01: 000000EA  R02: 00000000  R03: 00000000
example text 0800042C: E129F000  msr cpsr_fc, r0
  R00: 00000012  R01: 000000EA  R02: 00000000  R03: 00000000

Interpolated values may optionally have a format specified with the following syntax: {expression:format}

  • Formats are in accordance with the Python Format Specification Mini-Language
  • since the length of {asm} varies, I added an option to set its length with the syntax: {asm:length}
  • for rlists, instead of the {name:format} syntax, you may use {name:separator:format}
    • separator refers to the ascii characters printed between each register in the rlist
  • You may also use any of the following presets (default is "line"):
    • line = {addr}: {instr} {asm:20} {cpsr} {r0-r15}
    • block = {addr}: {instr} {asm}\n {r0-r3}\n {r4-r7}\n {r8-r11}\n {r12-r15}\n {cpsr}
    • linexl = {addr}:,{instr},"{asm:20}",{cpsr},{r0-r15:,}
    • blockxl = {addr}:,{instr},"{asm}"\n,{r0-r3:,}\n,{r4-r7:,}\n,{r8-r11:,}\n,{r12-r15:,}\n,{cpsr},{REG[16]:0>8X}\n
> output true
> format: line
> c 5

Result in Debugger_Output.txt:

08000000: EA000108  b $08000428           CPSR: [-ZC--]  R00: 08000000  R01: 000000EA  R02: 00000000  R03: 00000000  R04: 00000000  R05: 00000000  R06: 00000000  R07: 00000000  R08: 00000000  R09: 00000000  R10: 00000000  R11: 00000000  R12: 00000000  R13: 03007F00  R14: 00000000  R15: 0800042C
08000428: E3A00012  mov r0, 0x12          CPSR: [-ZC--]  R00: 00000012  R01: 000000EA  R02: 00000000  R03: 00000000  R04: 00000000  R05: 00000000  R06: 00000000  R07: 00000000  R08: 00000000  R09: 00000000  R10: 00000000  R11: 00000000  R12: 00000000  R13: 03007F00  R14: 00000000  R15: 08000430
0800042C: E129F000  msr cpsr_fc, r0       CPSR: [-----]  R00: 00000012  R01: 000000EA  R02: 00000000  R03: 00000000  R04: 00000000  R05: 00000000  R06: 00000000  R07: 00000000  R08: 00000000  R09: 00000000  R10: 00000000  R11: 00000000  R12: 00000000  R13: 03007F00  R14: 00000000  R15: 08000434
08000430: E59FD028  ldr sp, [$08000460]   CPSR: [-----]  R00: 00000012  R01: 000000EA  R02: 00000000  R03: 00000000  R04: 00000000  R05: 00000000  R06: 00000000  R07: 00000000  R08: 00000000  R09: 00000000  R10: 00000000  R11: 00000000  R12: 00000000  R13: 03007FA0  R14: 00000000  R15: 08000438
08000434: E3A0001F  mov r0, 0x1f          CPSR: [-----]  R00: 0000001F  R01: 000000EA  R02: 00000000  R03: 00000000  R04: 00000000  R05: 00000000  R06: 00000000  R07: 00000000  R08: 00000000  R09: 00000000  R10: 00000000  R11: 00000000  R12: 00000000  R13: 03007FA0  R14: 00000000  R15: 0800043C
> output clear
> format: block
> c 3

Result in Debugger_Output.txt:

08000438: E129F000  msr cpsr_fc, r0
  R00: 0000001F  R01: 000000EA  R02: 00000000  R03: 00000000
  R04: 00000000  R05: 00000000  R06: 00000000  R07: 00000000
  R08: 00000000  R09: 00000000  R10: 00000000  R11: 00000000
  R12: 00000000  R13: 03007FA0  R14: 00000000  R15: 08000440
  CPSR: [-----]

0800043C: E59FD018  ldr sp, [$0800045C] (=$03007F00)
  R00: 0000001F  R01: 000000EA  R02: 00000000  R03: 00000000
  R04: 00000000  R05: 00000000  R06: 00000000  R07: 00000000
  R08: 00000000  R09: 00000000  R10: 00000000  R11: 00000000
  R12: 00000000  R13: 03007F00  R14: 00000000  R15: 08000444
  CPSR: [-----]

08000440: E59F101C  ldr r1, [$08000464] (=$03007FFC)
  R00: 0000001F  R01: 03007FFC  R02: 00000000  R03: 00000000
  R04: 00000000  R05: 00000000  R06: 00000000  R07: 00000000
  R08: 00000000  R09: 00000000  R10: 00000000  R11: 00000000
  R12: 00000000  R13: 03007F00  R14: 00000000  R15: 08000448
  CPSR: [-----]

If viewing in Notepad, uncheck Word Wrap to make it look nicer.
If viewing in Excel, try out linexl and blockxl, and change the file extension to .csv.

Alternate Debugger Modes

In addition to Normal Mode, there is Assembly Mode and Execution Mode. These Modes are indicated by the input prompt. You can freely switch between these modes, including as part of function calls and loops.

Assembly Mode

To enter Assembly Mode, type: @.
In this mode, you can type in Thumb Code, which is then immediately executed. If the Thumb code is not recognized, it will attempt to execute the command in Normal Mode. You do not need to already be in Thumb mode to execute the instruction.

# display the registers

> i
R00: 00002553 R01: 030011BC R02: 6C3B3D69 R03: 00003039
R04: 080AD361 R05: 00002553 R06: 1E503FFC R07: 00000023
R08: 1E220000 R09: 080EE354 R10: 02030194 R11: 02030000
R12: 080C9F63 R13: 03007E2C R14: 080CA095 R15: 0801487C
CPSR: [----T] 0000003F
0801487A: 4B07      ldr r3, [$08014898] (=$41C64E6D)

# switch to Assembly Mode and branch to $08014878

> @
@ b $08014878
0801487A: E7FE      b $08014878
R00: 00002553 R01: 030011BC R02: 6C3B3D69 R03: 00003039
R04: 080AD361 R05: 00002553 R06: 1E503FFC R07: 00000023
R08: 1E220000 R09: 080EE354 R10: 02030194 R11: 02030000
R12: 080C9F63 R13: 03007E2C R14: 080CA095 R15: 0801487A
CPSR: [----T] 0000003F

You can disable the automatic display of registers in Settings.txt

Execution Mode

To enter Execution Mode, type: $.
In this mode, you can type in real Python code, which is executed immediately.
Here you have unrestrained access to all the global functions and variables of the script.
User Expressions do not work in this mode. The commands must be valid Python.
Some useful commands in this mode include:

  • dir() - displays all the global variable identifiers
  • UserVars, UserFuncs - the user variables and user functions
  • OutputFormat - shows how the current output format string was interpreted
  • CPUCOUNT - tracking the cpucount helps a lot with troubleshooting; it can be modified in this mode
  • os, sys, traceback - python modules

Normal Mode

Normal mode is the default mode. To reenter Normal Mode, type: >.


ARM Debugger







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