A simple P2P wallet system developed with NestJS, Typeorm and MySQL
A security private key will be generated for users on sign up
Abilities for users to be able to fund (with either card or bank transfer) and withdraw money to their wallet using the Flutterwave payment gateway.
users will be able to perform peer to peer transactions to other users and withdraw from their wallet using their transaction pin.
during the peer to peer transaction, the sender and receiver will receive email notifications of the transaction.
users can only use that security key for recovering their transaction pin.
The security key has to be kept in an ultrasafe manner as there is no way for users to recover their account once they lose the key
Live URL here
Find the API documentation here
$ npm install
$ yarn
Then you can then finally start the development server with the command
$ npm run start:dev
$ yarn start:dev
use the command below to build the docker image
docker-compose up --build
To run the application, use the command below:
$ docker-compose up
the server will be running on http://localhost:8000