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Remote Working Store. Commercial App for selling items needed for remote working.

The goal of the project is to create a shopping platform for remote work. It has an introductory screen and other features such as a user interface for login and registration, a central home screen for workspaces, trending collections, popular items, new arrivals, cart synchronization with the Dart Frog server (in the future), category browsing, search and order tracking features.



  • OnBoard(Intro) Screen: Greeting users.
  • Login & Registration: Sleek UIs ready to be integrated with backend functionality in the future.
  • Home Screen: Central hub to see workspaces, trending colelctions, popular items, new arrivals.
  • Workspace Screen: Screen for every category: Developer, Photographer, Creative, Marketer and ofc Youtuber!
  • Search Screen: Search by product name, recent, search history.
  • Cart Screen: Displays products added to the cart and syncs with the backend server.
  • Orders Screen: UI to display historical orders of logged-in customers.
  • Checkout Screen: Checkout, payment.
  • Done Screen: Successful completion of checkout.


  • Visual Studio Code, Flutter/Dart, Bloc State Management Library, Dart Frog API.


  • flutter_bloc, connectivity_plus, shared_preferences, cached_network_image, flutter_svg, equatable, flutter_rating_bar carousel_slider, smooth_page_indicator flutter_svg_provider, flutter_lints, intl, page_transition.

Feature Updates:

  • Integration of backend functionality for the Login, Registration, and other screens.
  • Synchronization of the dart_frog server with an external database.

Application show:

Intro Screen Login Screen Signup Screen
Home Screen Developer Workspace Screen Orders Screen