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Luca Cinquini edited this page Jul 22, 2014 · 5 revisions

Reorganising the ESGF Wiki

Wiki Reorganisation
We are reorganising this wiki to make it easier to navigate and update the content, removing incorrect and out of date information. All pages tagged for reorganisation should have a banner at the top like this one.

We are working to reorganise all pages into the following sections. When pages are reorganised they will be linked here.

Introducing ESGF

ESGF Organization

ESGF Architecture

ESGF User Guide

ESGF Administration Guide

ESGF Infrastructure

Page classification

Existing pages are listed here according to the section they will be reorganised into. NOTE: many pages use "|" in their title. This doesn't work properly with Wiki links so this character has been replaced with " BAR ".

Section Pages
Introducing ESGF Home, Home_preview, ESGF_Overview
ESGF Organization RoadMap, ESGF%20Members, ESGF-P2P-F2F-2011, ESGF-P2P-F2F-2012, ESGF-P2P-F2F-2013, CMIP5 BAR CMIP5Community_Index, SGFCmip5Meetings, EsgfCmip5Meetings, ESGFCmip5Meetings BAR 20110929, ESGFCmip5Meetings BAR 20111018, ESGFCmip5Meetings BAR 20111025, ESGFCmip5Meetings BAR 20120320, ESGFCmip5Meetings BAR 20120508, ESGFCmip5Meetings BAR 20120724, ESGFCmip5Meetings BAR 20120807, ESGFCmip5Meetings BAR 20122410, meetings BAR ESGFP_OSG_PKI, 082912, ESGFInterfaceGroups, ESGFInterfaceGroups BAR InformationArchitecture, ESGFInterfaceGroups BAR MetadataGroup, ESGFInterfaceGroups BAR NotificationGroup, ESGFInterfaceGroups BAR QCGroup, ESGFInterfaceGroups BAR RegistryGroup, ESGFInterfaceGroups BAR SearchGroup, ESGFInterfaceGroups BAR SecurityGroup, ESGFInterfaceGroups BAR ThreddsGroup, ESGFWorkingGroups, ESGF-Working-Groups
ESGF Architecture Security, Security BAR FAQ, Security BAR InterfaceControlDocument, ESGF_Access_Control, ESGF_Access_Control_Filters, ESGF_Attribute_Service, ESGF_Attribute_Service_Examples, ESGF_Openid_Relying_Party, ESGF_Registration_Service, ESGF_Registration_Service_Examples, ESGF_Search, Search, SearchExamples, ESGF_Publisher_Internals, ESGF_Publishing_Services, ESGF_Search_REST_API, ESGF_Registry, ESGF_workflow_browser
ESGF Administration Guide ESGF_Admin_Guide, ESGF_Node, ESGFNode BAR BDMSecurityDatanodeAdminGuide, ESGFNode BAR ConfiguringMetricsService, ESGFNode BAR EnhancedEndUserDownloadGridFTPModule, ESGFNode BAR FAQ, ESGFNode BAR GridFTP, ESGFNode BAR GridFTPBDM, ESGFNode BAR GridFTPEndUser, ESGFNode BAR GridFTPMetrics, ESGFNode BAR HowTo, ESGFNode BAR IDP BAR FAQ, ESGFNode BAR IDP BAR MyProxyWithAttributeCalloutConfig, ESGFNode BAR InstallationProcedure, ESGFNode BAR InstallingGridFTP, ESGFNode BAR InstallingGridFTP BAR GridMapWildCards, ESGFNode BAR ManagedInstallation, ESGFNode BAR Ports, ESGFNode BAR Publisher, ESGFNode BAR SAMLAuthzClientInstructions, ESGFNode BAR ScriptDetails BAR Postgres, ESGFNode BAR ScriptDetails BAR ToolsAndUtilities, ESGF_Node BAR LUCIDexample, ESGF_Node BAR PMIP3example, Installation, ESGF_Build, ESGF_Data_Node_Only, ESGF_Data_Publishing, ESGF_GroupMgmt, ESGF_New_Facets, ESGF_OpenDAP, ESGF_Project_Configuration, ESGF_Replicas, DrsVersionLinking, ESGF_UI_Customization, ESGF_download_statistics, ESGF_Tutorial_Securing_The_Dashboard, TdsToLasLinks, fe-user-guide, esgf-web-fe-guide, fe-services, fe-services BAR AccountServices, fe-services BAR AdministrativeServices, fe-services BAR DatacartServices, fe-services BAR EmailServices, fe-services BAR FacetFileServices, fe-services BAR FileTransformationServices, fe-services BAR HelpPageServices, fe-services BAR LASConfigurationServices, fe-services BAR LiveSearchServices, fe-services BAR MetadataServices, fe-services BAR SRMServices, fe-services BAR SearchConfigurationServices, FECodeGuide, FEDependencies, FEDesign, ESGF_GO, ESGF_GO_AccountSetup, ESGF_GO_Admin, ESGF_GO_NodeConfigure, ESGF_GO_Using, ESGF-Data-Visibility-API
ESGF User Guide ESGF_User_Guide, Askbot, ESGF_Web_Search_User_Guide, Forgot_openid_password, ESGF_Data_Download, ESGF_Data_Download_Strategies, ESGF_FAQs, ESGF_RSS, ESGF_RSS_Feeds, ESGF_Supported_Browsers, ESGF_User_FAQ, ESGF_scripting, ESGF_wget, Globus-Online-for-ESGF-CSSEF, Using_PCMDI_FTP_Server, CMIP5ProviderFAQ, CMIP5_FAQs, CMIP5ForProvidersFAQ, CMIP5HelpDeskFAQ, ClientAccessToESGFOPeNDAPServers
ESGF Infrastructure Peer-Node-Status, Cmip5Status, ESGF_P2P_Nodes
Suggest Remove these pages EZ-Pub, Shutdown-Instructions, release-creator, ESGF_Search_CV
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