A custom git web hook that allows you to automatically sync your repos with Github or Bitbucket. The web hook attempts to update a folder with the same name of the branch, but this can be configured easily.
When using topic branching you can easily designate certain branches to represent application environments or locations. Imagine a branch dedicated to your staging, development or production environment.
You can also associate a branch with multiple folders
Simply download place the file myWebHook.php
in your www
or public_html
directory on your hosting account.
If you can SSH into your webhost and navigate to your public_html/ or www/ directory, simply run:
wget http://rawgithub.com/mexitek/myWebHook/master/myWebHook.php
Edit the first couple of variables in myWebHook.php
. You can choose to change the name of your main git remote,
turn on web hook logs or associate a branch with custom folder paths.
// Your remote name
$remote = "origin";
// Aliases for branches and directories
$aliases = array(
"master" => array( "path/to/production" ),
"staging" => "path/to/staging",
"clients" => array( "client1","client2","client3","client4" )
// Do you want a log file with web hook posts?
$log = FALSE;