2020/2021 - 4th Year, 2nd Semester
Course: Visão por Computador (VCOM) | Computer Vision
Projects developed by: Eduardo Ribeiro (EduRibeiro00), Henrique Santos (HenriJSantos), Miguel Pinto (MiguelDelPinto) and Mário Mesquita (GambuzX)
Project 1: 3D Data Acquisition using a Structured Light Technique
- Developed system that calculates the 3D coordinates of points in an image lit by a shadow plane, by using structured light techniques.
- Implemented all necessary stages in the process, including the camera calibration process, the light projection system calibration, the edge and line detection algorithms and the final calculation of 3D coordinates.
- Languages/technologies used: Python.
Grade: 19 / 20
Project 2: Artwork Recognition using Bag of Words and CNNs
- Developed a system that can perform classification of images, applied in this case to the artwork collection dataset provided by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
- Implemented several methods and techniques to solve the problem, like using a Bag of Words descriptor + classifier, and using Convolutional Neural Networks.
- Evaluated the performance of each method using relevant metrics, and discussed the results.
Grade: 17.7 / 20
Disclaimer - This repository was used for educational purposes and I do not take any responsibility for anything related to its content. You are free to use any code or algorithm you find, but do so at your own risk.