Develop an ASP.Net Core API for managing promo codes. Please use this layout as a reference
API should support the following functionality:
● Ability to search services by name
● Ability to Activate bonus for a Service for the current user
● Infinite scroll for the Services list
● An API user should be authorized.
● Store data in any relational database, use EF Core to access data.
● Use tests in your project.
● The project should include a with instructions on how to run it locally.
- .Net SDK 3.1.402 should be installed
- Visual Studio 2019 should be installed (optionally)
- MSSQL Server should be installed (any modern version).
Open CMD or PowerShell
Select a folder you want it to be installed
cd ‘some folder’
Pull the source code from Github
Select a ALG.Web.Host folder
cd ALG\src\ALG.Web.Host
Run the application
dotnet run
The application will be built and started. Then it can be accessed in a Browser by the address: https://localhost:5001/
To stop the application, press Ctrl+C
Open CMD or PowerShell
Select a folder you want it to be installed
cd ‘some folder’
Pull the source code from Github
Find and click a ALG.sln file
When Visual Studio opens, press Ctrl+F5 or select in menu Debug\Start Without Debugging
The application will be built and started. Then it can be accessed in a Browser by the address: https://localhost:44315/index.html
When the App starts for the first time it creates an ALG database in MSSQL server (if not created) and seeds the database with a test data. If you want to use another database name, please change the connection string in an appsettings.json file.
Three users are created by default:
Email: Password: 111
Email: Password: 222
Email: Password: 333
Seven services are created by default:,,, Logotype,,,
The promocode for all services is itpromocode
- Entity Framework Core – Code First. With automatic database creation, model migration and seeding with a test data
- Repository Pattern
- Logging with Serilog in files
- OpenAPI documentation, Swagger UI
- Generic pagination mechanism
- Identity with JWT Authentication
- Custom Exception Handling Middlewares
- API Versioning
- Fluent Validation
- Automapper
- Unified error messages format