- 👋 Hi, I am Mercy Dufie Boateng
- I am a Data Analsyt
- I specialize in transforming messy data into actionable insights that drive business growth
- Skills: Exce| Python | SQL |MicrosoftPowerBI | Tableau | Basic Knowledge in HTML, CSS, & JavaScript
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Data Engineering & AI
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on projects in Data Analytics & Data Science
- 📫 You can contact me @ mercydboateng@gmail.com
- Ghana
(UTC -12:00) - in/mercydufieboateng
- https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/mercy.dufie.boateng
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Transborder-Freight-Data-Analysis PublicThe project aims to leverage data analysis to extract actionable insights that address key business objectives. By implementing the CRISP-DM (Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) framew…
Jupyter Notebook
Business-Intelligence-Solutions-for-Bay-Technologies PublicThe aim of this project is to analyze and provide end to end business solutions to Bay Technologies by leveraging on their historical data for the 2019.
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Embed-ML-Model-with-Streamlit- PublicEmbed ML models in Web Frameworks with Streamlit
Time-Series-Regression-Analysis PublicThe grocery retail sector is highly competitive, making optimal stock levels and accurate demand forecasting essential for efficiency and customer satisfaction. This project uses advanced machine l…
Jupyter Notebook
Customer-Churn-Analysis PublicCustomer attrition, or churn, is one of the most significant expenses for any organization. It represents the percentage of customers who discontinue using a company's product or service within a g…
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Indian-Start-Up-Ecosystem PublicI explore the datasets to derive key insights that will serve as a benchmark for investors to venture the Start-up Ecosytem in India
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