- Download The Repo GS16_compiled
- Execute GS16.jar in terminal using the following Arguments:
- updateData: Get all Posts from the groups/persons wall set in 'vk_id_list.txt' or update the already collected data for new posts
- The data will be saved in the data Folder, containing also a 'groupInfo.json' ❗ dont touch ❗
- Posts will be saved in files per execution day. Please use this method just once on the initial day because of huge files been written.
- wallSearch: Search for All Keywords from 'vk_keyword_list.txt' in all groups/persons set in 'vk_id_list.txt'
- createGroupInfo: Create a Table with Domain, Name and Url information to every id in 'vk_id_list.txt'
- findIds: Add the ids of the groups in 'vk_domain_list.txt' to 'vk_id_list.txt'
- the domain list must contain the name part of the groups url if the groups url is not defined by its id, if the url e.g. is 'vk.com/group/patrioten', the list should contain 'patrioten'
java -jar GS16.jar wallGet
java -jar GS16.jar wallSearch
The text lists are located at src/inputLists/fooBar.txt 'wallSearch' will create a new Folder named with the current date/time
- Groups for information about the owned and linked groups with the following keys:
- gid: id of the group
- is_closed: boolean value, 0 if the group is active
- name: headline name of the group
- photo: small profile foto of the group
- photo_big: profile foto of the group
- screen_name: url name of the group
- profile information about the post owners in post list:
- first_name
- last_name
- photo: small profile picture of the person
- photo_medium_rec: profile picture of the person
- screen_name: screen name of the person
- sex: gender
- uid: user id of the person
- The wall array with a list of posts similar to the 'postLists' without Keyword search
- date: unix date of post creation
- from_id: the post owners id
- id: the posts id
- likes: number of likes the post got
- reposts: number of repostings
- text: the text of the post
- to_id: id of the group or person who owns the wall
Additional to those keys, the post-object could contain Attachements e.g. Photos, Videos. Those attachements contain additional source data of the media:
- src: small preview picture of the shared foto
- src_big: the shared foto
- duration: duration of the video in seconds
- image: small preview picture for the video
- image_big: preview picture for the video
- platform: platform e.g. youtube
- title: title of the video