Welcome to my portfolio! This repository showcases my skills, projects, and experiences in the world of developer. Feel free to explore and get to know more about me.
I am a passionate developer with a strong background in Reactjs, Nodejs, MongoDB and more technologies. I am dedicated to continuous learning and always eager to take on new challenges.
- Reactjs
- Nodejs
- MongoDB, AWS, Firebase
- Bootstap, Tailwind
- B.Tech in ECE -Crescent University, Vandalur, 2022
- Email: emmanuel26112000@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmanuel26112000-b-b5145593/
- Portfolio: https://emmanuelbenjamin-portfolio.netlify.app/
If you're a potential employer or collaborator, feel free to explore the projects and get a sense of my work. Each project is organized in its respective directory with its own README file providing more details.
If you have any questions or would like to connect, don't hesitate to reach out to me via email or LinkedIn.
Thank you for visiting my portfolio!