The goal of this configuration is to be able to work as fast as possible. This is my personal configuration for Neovim and I daily drive it.
- Built to be Fast AF boi
- Tons of plugins for dat sweet dev experience
- Heavy documentation for easy understanding
- Sane defaults
- Portable across operating systems
- Looks good
- Support for Version control
- Terminal Integration
- Autoformatting
As this is just a configuration, it will require some additional tools to work.
- Neovim Version > 0.5 Required - The base editor
- NodeJS - Required - For lsp and treesitter
- Lazygit - Optional - For git integration
- RipGrep - Optional - For telescope live grep
Make sure to have git installed
From your user directory, run this command
git clone AppData\Local\nvim
git clone ~/.config/nvim
npm install -g tree-sitter
Launch Neovim by entering nvim in the terminal.
After launching type : and enter PackerSync
Your ReaperNvim should be ready to go
To install the language servers, just type : and then LspInstall and then press tab. The list of language servers will be available. Just enter the language you want support for and it will be autocompleted by pressing tab. Just press enter and that language server will be installed.
There are a lot of plugins used in this configuration. Some of the more important ones are:
- Telescope - The ultimate fuzzy finder
- nvim-lspconfig - The plugin that enables IDE like experience in neovim
- nvim-cmp - Autocomplete for lspconfig
- lsp-saga - Cool looking diagnostics
- Nvim-Tree - The file tree on the left
- Whichkey - The popup when pressing space
- ToggleTerm - The toggle floating terminal
Uses Nvim-tree and Telescope for smooth file navigation and switching
Uses ToggleTerm plugin for terminal emulation in editor