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Agenda React Component

Capture d’écran du 2021-07-09 09-39-02


An Agenda component for your React application. Display a list of events and offer the possibility to create new or modify these events.

Offer the possibility to customise options and colors of the component.


Use npm install agenda-rc to install the package You need to download input-moment.min.css and add it as a css link in your html page



Props Description Type Optional
eventList List of events which will be displayed in the agenda Array false
language Language of the text displayed String ("en" or "fr") true (fr by default)
theme Index of the color theme (see material palette + white and black) number true
settings List of settings of the app Object true
handlers List of function to update value of different props (no need to update the props of the component) Object false
tagsList List of tags Object false(but can be empty)
eventColors Default List of colors for events List true
timeRange Minimal time division (must be : 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60) Number true (default : 5)


Settings object props

Name Description Type Optional
settingsModif Defined wich options can be changed within the component Object false
table Used to know during how much month before and after the events are given Object false
title Informations about the title Object false
allowCreation Tell if we can create new events Boolean true (default : true)
allowModification Tell if we can modify existing event (delete included) Boolean true (default : true)
allowTags allow the creation of tags Object true (default : true)


SettingsModif object props

Name Description Type Optional
allowed Allow the possibility to acces change the settings in the component Boolean false
allowColor Allow to change the event color range Boolean true (default : true )
allowTimeRange Allow to change the time division Boolean true (default : true )
allowThemeChange Allow to change the theme Boolean true (default : true )


Table object props

Name Description Type Optional
before Number of month rendered before today date Number false
after Number of month rendered after today date Number false
total Number total of month rendered Number false


Title object props

Name Description Type Optional
isImage Tell if you want to use an image instead of a text for the title Boolean false
value Title or path to the image String false
hasLogo Tell if ther is a logo to render before the title Boolean false
logoPath Path to the logo String false


List of function to update value of different props (no need to update the props of the component)

Name Description Type Optional
handleEvent Function to return the events modified or created function false
handleColors Function to return the color range function true
handleTimeRange Function to return the time division function true
handleTagList Function to return the tags function true
handleTheme Function to return the theme function true


import Agenda from 'agenda-rc'

//Needed for the css to work because of semantic ui (can be imported once in the top container)
import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css'

const settings = {
      //settings window alowed options
      settingsModif: {
         //allow general setting modif
         allowed: true,
         //allow color change in settings(true by default)
         allowColor: true,
         //allow change of timeRange
         allowTimeRange: true,
         //allow theme color change
         allowThemeChange: true
      //settings link to the eventList
      table: {
         //number of months before given
         before: 1,
         //number of months after given
         after: 11,
         //number total of months
         total: 12
      //title otpions
      title: {
         //is the title an image and no a text
         isImage: false,
         //text of the title or link to the image
         value: 'Calendrier',
         //does it have logo
         hasLogo: false,
         //logo path
         logoPath: ''
      //creation and modification options
      //allow creation of event
      allowCreation: true,
      //allow modification of events
      allowModification: true,
      //allow the creation of tags
      allowTags : true

  //list of events to be displayed
  const eventList = [
    //exemple of event:
               title: '', // title of the event
               color: '', //color of the event
               start: moment, //start moment (from moment)
               end: moment, //end moment
               icon: '', //name of the icon from semantic ui to be associated (optional)
               key: '', //the unique key correspoding to the event
               place: '', //name of the place where the eventit take place
               tags: [], // list of the keys of the tags associated to this event
               description: '' // the description of the event

  //list of handlers to permit changes from the agenda
  //handle the change of differents value (take the new value for parameters)
  const handlers = {
      handleEvent: function, //for the eventList
      handleColors: function, // for the colorsList
      handleTimeRange: function, // for the timeRange
      handleTagList: function, // for the tagList
      handleTheme: function // for the theme

   //List of tags
   const tagsList = {
   //can be empty, tags can be created when events are created / modified
   //else is on the format
      key: { //the key of the tag (must be unique)
         name: '', //the name displayed
         color: '' //the color, must be one element of : red, orange, yellow, olive, green, teal, blue, violet, purple, pink, brown, grey, black

   //array of default color (in hexaDecimal) for events(optional)
   const eventColors = ['#000', '#f00', '#0f0', '#00f']

   //minimal time range (multiple of 5 and one hour can be easily divided in equals part of this time range) must be : 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60
   const timeRange = 15


   ReactDOM.render(<Agenda eventList={eventList} language="en" theme={1} settings={settings} handlers={handlers} tagsList={tagsList} eventColors={eventColors} timeRange={timeRange} />, document.querySelector('#root'))


A react component which render a calendar with the possibility to add and remove differents event displayed






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