I am trying to learn Unity, and I believe that the more practice I do, the more I can improve. This game is just a practice I made to improve myself.
- The start screen has been redesigned. 3 buttons have been added (Start button, Settings button, Quit button)
- A pause menu has been added to the game. (Pressing the "esc" key is sufficient to pause the game). The pause menu includes resume, return to menu, quit game, and settings buttons.
- Buttons and sliders have been added to the settings section of the pause menu to adjust game volume and sound effects.
- Keyboard tutorials have been added to guide the player.
- Added 2 enemies (Oposum, Eagle) (If the character touches the enemy, the character's health decreases).
- Simple UI added (The character has 3 lives, and we can also see the diamonds the character collects).
- A new level added (The difference from the previous one is that there are enemies on this map)
- End screen added (When the character's health is depleted, they have to start the game all over again.)
- Improvements have been made to the starting screen.
- Added new animations and sounds
Some screenshots from the game Version 1.0.0: