A program about login/logout campus Internet at Nanjing University, based on AutoHotkey.
- 连接到南京大学校内网(宽带或WiFi)
Connect to campus Internet of NJU via broadband or WiFi. - 运行
- 在第一次运行时,你将会需要输入用户名(学号)与密码。
When you run this program for the first time, you will need to input your username(Student ID) and password. - 程序运行后,将会自动连接校园网,并且返回“连接成功”提示。
You will connect to campus Internet of NJU automatically after you run this program, and a message of "Connection Successful" (Chinese) will be shown on the screen. - 连接校园网后,按下
After having successfully connected to campus Internet of NJU, you can pressCtrl+G
to disconnet from it. A message of "Disconneting from the Internet" (Chinese) will be shown on the screen simultaneously.
本项目参考了由 Zheng H. Xue 移植为Python3版本的 p.nju-login 项目(原作者为 Zachary Cao)。
Prototype of this program is based on the Python3 version of p.nju-login, which is originaly created by Zachary Cao and later developed to Python3 by Zheng H. Xue.