- A Django backend setup with a simple SSR page and a simple REST API;
- A simple Svelte SPA;
- A simple HTMX SPA.
Just start the server, go to 'localhost:8000' and use the links to switch between apps: HTMX, Svelte, REST-Api.
This sample uses Poetry to manage and install dependencies of Python projects, get it with:
pip install poetry
Install all Python's project dependecies (like Django) with:
poetry install
*Poetry will install all dependencies in an isolated virtual environment;
After everything is installed, open the virtual env. shell and initialize the DB with:
poetry shell py .\manage.py migrate
Then you need to create an admin user with:
py .\manage.py createsuperuser
Type the username (leave blank to use the suggested one) and hit enter, then type a password and hit enter (type the password again to confirm);
Finally, start the server with:
py .\manage.py runserver
The console output should have:
Starting development server at
Visit the addres and you should see a simple static page displaying a 'hello world' message. You will be prompetd to login for the first time you open an app, use the account you created earlier.
Use the links to switch front-ends, or click REST-API to see the API response from Django! It should look like this:
{ "message": "Hello world" }
OR, if you're not logged:
{ "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided." }
You can also access Django admin panel by navigating to /admin/ URL.
To stop the server just hit CTRL+C at any time in the console.