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This repository contains the complete lifecycle of an inventory database, including design, implementation, and querying stages. To construct the database, we first analyze the requirements and then build it using Django. Once the database is in place, we use Django's ORM (Object Relational Mapper) to query it efficiently.


The purpose of the e-commerce inventory database is to maintain the product data and supply information to our customers and management services.


  • Maintain complete product information
  • Keep track of product inventory
  • Produce product and corresponding sub-product information

User Requirements

  • Return a list of all products
  • Return a list of products by category
  • Return a list of products by product attribute
  • Return a list of products on promotion
  • Return a list of new products
  • Sort a list of products by date
  • Sort a list of products by price
  • Return a single product
  • Add a review for a product

Business Requirements

  • Add, Update or Delete new products
  • Add, Return or Update details related to product stock levels
  • Report: Return a list of total products sold per product
  • Report: Return a list of newly added products for a given timeframe
  • Report: Return a list of low or not in-stock products.

System Requirements

  • Return product data and images
  • Return a single product and associated sub-product.

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1. Designing the Database

1.1 Preliminary Fields

Defining the preliminary field list after analysing the requirements.

Note: "product image" is going to be a url.

Preliminary Field List
product name
product description
product category name
product price
product attribute name
product attribute value
promotion price
promotion active
product date added
number of products sold
number of products in stock
date last stock checked
product image

1.2 Identifying Entities

It is possible to form 5 entities after analysing the preliminary field list. These are:

  • product
  • sub-product
  • category
  • promotion
  • attribute

Here is what the "Product" entity might look like:

product name
product description
product price
product date added
number of products sold
number of products in stock
date last stock checked
product image

The "Category" entity:

product category name

The "Promotion" entity is a completely new subject for the database. We can easily separate it:

promotion price
promotion active

The "Attribute" entity is reasonable to create at this point and not have it inside the "Product" table, because the "attribute" will have it's own fields, "name and value".

product attribute name
product attribute value

There will also be a "Sub-product" table, although it's attributes will be identified later.

1.3 Refining Entities and Attributes

Looking at the "Product" entity. The "product image" attribute will cause data redundancy since it will cause the entity to have a multi-valued attribute. It will be ideal to have a separate entity for the image.

image url
image name
alternative text

The "Product" entity seems to have attributes that only relate to checking stock. These fields are "number of products in stock", "data last stock checked". They should have their own entity. We can also add the name of the person who has checked the stock.

date last stock checked
date stock checked by
product stock quantity
stock check by

Obviously, creating the "stock check by" field will require a new employee entity. We can simply construct one, like so:

telephone number

The "Employee" entity can still be broken down into more attributes. "name" can be turned into "firstname" and "surname". Of course, it is a bad practice to use "address" on its own as well, that needs to be broken down too. Either way, for this project, it is not required to have an "Employee" entity. The "Promotion" and "Employee" entities are out of scope for this project. For a Django project, the User table will be built-in.

product attribute name
product attribute description

The value is now in a different table and a relationship is established later.

Attribute Value
product attribute value

Instead of having two different tables called "Product" and "Sub-product", we can use better naming and have a new table that suits better to the project as a whole by considering other connections such as the "Stock_Check" table. Since we will be considering an inventory application, we can form a table called "Inventory" instead of "Sub-product" and keep all of it's data in there.

product price
product date added
number of products sold

1.4 Establishing Keys

Django automatically created a Primary Key with the id BigAutoField right after migrating to the database if the PK is not assigned manually.

1.5 Field Specifications

Each attribute field looks straightforward but there is one field we need to add, to make the "Product" entity easier to reach by the user.

Therefore, adding the UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) to the "Product" table.

id : BigAutoFeild PK
name : CharField
product_desc : TextField

For querying we can still use the "id" field. However, the "UUID" field will be unique throughout the project and even though it will have negative effects for search optimization, it will be served more easily.

1.6 Relationships

One important relationship to point out is between the "Inventory" and "Product" table. In section 1.3, we established why we renamed the "Sub-product" field to "Invetory". Now while creating the relationship, we should observe the connection by assuming the "Inventory" table is a sub-product. Therefore, 1:Product will have Many:Sub-products. For instance, if we have a product called "Brandname Keybord", that product will (might) have different colors. Although, that specific color, let's say "Green Brandname Keyboard" will be related to only one product that is "Brandname Keyboard".

Another relationship to consider is between "Category" and "Product", which is going to be a many-to-many relationship, but which table will need to have the M2M Field? We need to consider dependencies:

  • Could we have a product without a category? No.
  • Could we have a category without a product? Yes.

As a result, the dependency is prevalent on the product table. That's why the M2M Field goes into "Product".

1.7 Finalizing the Design

Activating the Virtual Environment

Linux & macOS

$ source my_venv/bin/activate


$ .\venv\Scripts\activate

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2. Building the Tables and Fields in Django

After initialising a Django project and creating an app called "inventory", we can start creating the tables by looking at the database design in section 1.7.

The starting strategy to design data models in Django is to keep in mind the dependencies of each table. A table without any dependencies, possible located at the edge of the diagram, would be a good table to start. For instance, the "Category" table. It has 3 fields + Django's automatically created "id" field for the Primary Key.

class Category(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    slug = models.SlugField()
    is_active = models.BooleanField()

    class Meta:
        verbose_name_plural = "Categories"

    def __str__(self):

After completing the "Category" table, we might start looking at the building the relationship with the "Product" table now. (We do not need to build the "product_category" table, as that Join Table will be handled by Django.)

class Product(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    description = models.TextField()
    slug = models.SlugField()
    is_active = models.BooleanField()

    category = models.ManyToManyField(Category)

    def __str__(self):

According to the design, we cannot build the "Inventory" table at this point, since the following tables are dependent on it:

class Attribute(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    description = models.TextField()

    def __str__(self):

Going towards the "Inventory" table:

class AttributeValue(models.Model):
    value = models.CharField(max_length=50)

    attribute = models.ForeignKey(
        Attribute, related_name="attribute", on_delete=models.CASCADE

    def __str__(self):
        return self.value

We have covered all the dependent tables. (Again, the Join Table, "inventory_attribute_values", is handled by Django.) It is time to build the "Inventory" table.

class Inventory(models.Model):
    is_active = models.BooleanField()
    is_default = models.BooleanField()
    price = models.DecimalField(
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, editable=False)
    sku = models.CharField(

    product = models.ForeignKey(
        Product, related_name="product", on_delete=models.CASCADE
    attribute_values = models.ManyToManyField(AttributeValue)

    class Meta:
        verbose_name_plural = "Inventory"

    def __str__(self):

Finally we can build the remaining 1:1 tables:

class StockControl(models.Model):
    last_checked = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=False, editable=False)
    units = models.IntegerField(default=0)

    inventory = models.OneToOneField(Inventory, related_name="inventory",on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    class Meta:
        verbose_name_plural = "Stock Control"

class Image(models.Model):
    url = models.ImageField(upload_to=None)
    alternative_text = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    is_feature = models.BooleanField()
    inventory = models.ForeignKey(Inventory, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

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3. Manual Data Insertion w/ Admin Site

The admin page is adjusted with "TabularInLine" to ease the process of adding new data to the database. Check inside of the "inventory" app.

Go to port:port/admin to manually add your data.

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4. Automatic Data Insertion w/ Django Fixtures

Importing data into the database can be done by using fixtures. In this project, we have 10 fixtures, can be inserted through /inventory/fixtures/.

To apply these fixtures, we have a management command inside /inventory/management/commands/

Run all the commands with:

$ python load-fixtures

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5. Querying Data w/ Django's ORM

To get started run Django's shell:

python shell

Import the models from the "inventory" app:

>>> from eventory.inventory.models import Category, Product, Attribute, AttributeValue, Inventory, StockControl, Image

5.1 Pretty Print - SQL

We are going to be analysing the SQL version of the ORM queries. To get clean outputs, we need the following packages:

pip install Pygments
pip install sqlparse

After installing the packages, import them (depending on the database you use, import it's Lexer)

>>> from pygments import highlight
>>> from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter
>>> from pygments.lexers import PostgresLexer
>>> from sqlparse import format

5.2 Retrieve all objects from a table

To retrieve all the records from a table, use the .all() method.


These methods will return a QuerySet. If you want to see how Django's ORM translates this into SQL queries:

sqlformatted = format(str(x.query), reindent=True)

Now, output the query:

print(highlight(sqlformatted, PostgresLexer(), TerminalFormatter()))


SELECT "inventory_category"."id",
FROM "inventory_category"

To get the number of records:


5.3 Retrieve a Record w/ a Relation

Child to Parent

Let's grab how many products are in the category id=1 ("fashion").




The ".count()" is part is Python code. The rest of the code is turned into SQL by the ORM.

The SQL query for the operation above looks like this:

SELECT "inventory_product"."id",
FROM "inventory_product"
INNER JOIN "inventory_product_category" ON ("inventory_product"."id" = "inventory_product_category"."product_id")
WHERE "inventory_product_category"."category_id" = 1

5.4 Retrieve a Record w/ an Inverse Relation

Parent to Child

From "Attribute" parent model to the "AttributeValue" child model (Naming fits the model, not the diagram):




The SQL query for this code:

SELECT "inventory_attribute"."id",
FROM "inventory_attribute"
INNER JOIN "inventory_attributevalue" ON ("inventory_attribute"."id" = "inventory_attributevalue"."attribute_id")
WHERE "inventory_attributevalue"."value" = 5

5.5 Retrieve all the products w/ price greater than 80

"Inventory" holds all the records of the products, as discussed previously, now we need to specify a price range.

x = Product.objects.filter(product__price__gt=80) 


<QuerySet [<Product: widstar running sneakers>, <Product: girl zada gray flip flop sandal>, <Product: girl primotoo open toe synthetiflip flop sandal>]>

If you would like to extract the data into a list:

product_names = [ for product in x]

The SQL for this code:

SELECT "inventory_product"."id",
FROM "inventory_product"
INNER JOIN "inventory_inventory" ON ("inventory_product"."id" = "inventory_inventory"."product_id")
WHERE "inventory_inventory"."price" > 80

5.6 Retrieve all the products that are stocked checked in the last week

The relationship between the "Inventory" model and the "StockControl" model will manage the query.

x = Inventory.objects.filter(inventory__last_checked__range=('2021-09-01','2021-09-8')) 

The output is too long, instead we will display the number of records using .count().



The SQL for this code:

SELECT "inventory_inventory"."id",
FROM "inventory_inventory"
INNER JOIN "inventory_stockcontrol" ON ("inventory_inventory"."id" = "inventory_stockcontrol"."inventory_id")   
WHERE "inventory_stockcontrol"."last_checked" BETWEEN 2021-09-01 00:00:00 AND 2021-09-08 00:00:00

5.7 Retrieve all the products that are stock checked in the last week AND almost out

The same logic applies again (from section 5.6), the only difference being the unit amount needs to be checked. Instead of using "less than", we might want to use .exclude() by chaining it to the end. At first, this might seem like a operation with +O(n) for the memory. However, Django does not import the entire table at first and exclude the ones that do not meet the requirement. Instead, all of the statement gets converted into an SQL query which is more compact and not memory intensive.

product = Inventory.objects.filter(inventory__last_checked__range=('2021-09-01','2021-09-8')).exclude(inventory__units__gt=10)


<QuerySet [<Inventory: girl primotoo open toe synthetiflip flop sandal>, <Inventory: axny anise round toe synthetianke boot>, <Inventory: axny graham round toe synthetimid caf boot>, <Inventory: axny tuner round toe synthetibootie>, <Inventory: aerosoes rock soid natura fabric>]>

If you want to output each item's name and amount left in a tuple, first we need to traverse to the "Product" model and grab the name using the related_name="product" field. Then we need to reach to the "StockControl" model by using the 1:1 related_name="inventory" field.

need_restock_on = [(,product.inventory.units) for product in x] 


[('girl primotoo open toe synthetiflip flop sandal', 2), ('axny anise round toe synthetianke boot', 3), ('axny graham round toe synthetimid caf boot', 5), ('axny tuner round toe synthetibootie', 5), ('aerosoes rock soid natura fabric', 1)]


Erol Gelbul - Website

Project Link: E-ventory

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E-ventory Django ORM Analysis







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