Shelter - is a project in which you have to build a site consisting of two pages, make it adaptive and interactive.
- valid semantic adaptive layout
- easily maintainable readable code
- exporting styles and graphics from Figma
- using JavaScript to implement the functionality specified in the task
- View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
- See hover and focus states for interactive elements
- Implement responsive navbar
- Popup for pets' cards on both pages
- Infinite carousel of pets on main page
- When switching to the left or right, exactly as many cards are scrolled as shown at the current screen width
- cards with pets are not repeated in the current block of the slide
- in the next block there is no duplication of cards with the current block
- only one previous state is being remembered
- every time the page is reloaded, a new sequence of cards is generated
- Pagination of pets on pets page
- when the page loads, an array of 48 pet objects is formed. Each of the 8 pets must appear exactly 6 times
- every time the page is reloaded, a new array is formed with a random sequence
- pet cards should not be repeated on the same page
- when switching the page, the data changes
- returning to the page under a certain number, the content on it will always be the same
Desktop version
- Slider on main page
- Pagination of pets on pets page
- Solution URL: Shelter GitHub
- Live Site URL: Shelter page Live version
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Flexbox
- Desktop-first workflow
- Figma
- JS
- webpack
This was one of the RS Schools' projects. One of the main tasks was 100% accuracy of layout. I used PerfectPixel to check that. Requirements to slider and pagination were solved as a result of reading lots of literature in order to get any idea how to solve it.
This project was the first time I used webpack for transforming scss to css.
- Sass Guidelines - An opinionated styleguide for writing sane, maintainable and scalable Sass.
- Sass Basics - Basics on how to transform SCSS into CSS using terminal.
- BEM - Basics of BEM methodology.
- LinkedIn - Eugene Zanevskij
- GitHub - @EugeneZanevskij