A sliding puzzle solver using the A* search algorithm with several heuristics.
The goal is to solve in a snail pattern, with a target of under 10 seconds for puzzle size 3. See the subject for more details.
starting 8-puzzle | goal 8-puzzle |
Usage : ./[executeble] [file] [--A_STAR*] [--GREEDY*] [--UNIFORM*]
[--MANHATTAN / --m**] [--EUCLIDEAN / -e**] [--HAMMING / --h**] [--VERBOSE***]
positional arguments:
file input file
Optional choice of heuristic and search
-h, --help show this help message and exit
* : --A_STAR use A_star search
--GREEDY use greedy search
--UNIFORM use uniform search
**: --MANHATTAN, --m use manhattan heuristic
--EUCLIDEAN, --e use euclidean heuristic
--HAMMING, --h use manhattan heuristic
***:--VERBOSE gui visualizer
cmake -B build / cmake .
(cd build) / make
./N-puzzle_solver ../maps/3puzzle/3npuzzle1.txt
If you build like befor, you can use ./N-puzzle_Manuel [file].
q = quit
w = up
a = left d = right
s = down