- plots and calculates model probabilities and parameter
- calculates summary statistics on the output of a
- generates random parameter sets according to prior
- generates new parameter sets based on accepted parameter sets from the previous iterationpatients
- text file containing the patient characteristics to match in the simulations. These were created from sequence sets (.fasta) available from Keele et al (2008) and Li et al (2010)
- created simulated dataset for a large number of parameter
- simulate a single single
- all functions needed for the simulations
generate initial parameters:
python [parameter_filename]
this will generate 700 parameter sets. Call the script multiple times for more parameter sets (that can be run in parallel) -
perform simulation for all parameter sets:
python [parameter_filename] [simulation_directory] [outfile]
In order for the next script to work, outfile should be in the format
NOTE: these simulations are expensive. The simulation for a single parameter set takes ~25 seconds on a regular computer, so a parameter file as generated in step one will take ~5 hours to complete. It is however safe to stop the script while it is running, since it will save to [outfile] after every simulated parameter set and restart with the right parameter set.
- generate new parameter sets based on the results of the simulations:
python [max_dist] [stats_dir] [new_par_dir] [name]
We did 7 iterations, with max_dist equal to 5, 2.2, 1.3, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5
- repeat steps 2 & 3, lowering [max_dist] as required.
- analyze the final iteration:
this will generate a plot with the model probabilities per iteration, and plots of the posterior density of all the parameters for those models with at least 100 accepted parameter sets