This repo houses all the required configs as to how to orchestrate the FE, BE and other components for a demo. One can use this to understand how the overall architecure would look like.
Execute the below given commands in order to setup all the components on a single machine. For more details about each component, view:
# 1. Setting up the ese-mailer first
docker-compose -f ./mail/docker-compose.yml -p ese-mailer up -d
# 2. Setting up the ese-server next
docker-compose -f ./server/docker-compose.yml -p ese-servers up -d
# 3. Starting Kafka entites. Set the IP to the one on which Kafka will run
export ESE_HOST_IP= && docker-compose -f ./kafka/docker-compose.yml -p ese-kafka up -d
# 4. Setting up the ese-consumer next
docker run -d -p 8501:8501 --name ese-consumer saumyabhatt10642/ese-consumer
# 5. Setting up a standalone ese-client
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --env-file ./client/.env --name ese-client-standalone saumyabhatt10642/ese-client
# 6. Setting up the simulation clients
docker-compose -f ./client/docker-compose.yml -p ese-clients up -d
If you are setting up all the components on the same machine, different UIs can be found as below.
Address | Description |
http://localhost:8080 | Standalone Client |
http://localhost:8100/stats | Load Balancer Stats |
http://localhost:3000 | Grafana Dashboard |
http://localhost:8501 | Consumer Dashboard |
http://localhost:15672 | Mailer Queue Stats |
http://localhost:8025 | Mailer Inbox UI |
http://localhost:8083 | Kafka UI |
If some components are on a different machine, change the base URL to the machine's IP address. The port remains the same.
For the Kafka, let the post-setup
container exit successfully before using any Kafka entities.