Nodejs implementation of Event Fabric API to send events.
If you want to use the library you can install it with npm:
npm install
see the examples folder for more usage examples
var ef = require('./eventfabric'); var client = ef.client("your_username", "your_password"); function onLoginSuccess (data) { var value = { "text": "cpu", "percentage": Math.random() * 100 }; function onEventSent(status, data) { var eventSent = JSON.parse(data); console.log("event sent", status, eventSent); } function onEventFail (status, res) { console.error("event error", status, res); } client.sendEvent({ value: value, channel: "your_channel" }, onEventSent, onEventFail); } function onLoginFail(err) { console.error("login error", err); } client.login(onLoginSuccess, onLoginFail);
nodejs test.js