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sgdavidw edited this page Feb 25, 2019 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the f5-openstack-docs wiki!


This repository is the home for solution documentation relating to the F5 tools for OpenStack. The current release branch is v1. This branch corresponds to


All development should take place in a feature branch in your fork of this repo. Rebase from upstream/master often to ensure your fork is up to date. When you're ready to submit a pull request, rebase -i and squash your commits together if you have more than a handful.

Issues and Labels

All work should have a corresponding issue. Assign the "new product feature" label to issues relating to doc enhancements or additions for unreleased or newly-released features.


Master is the version of record (aka, the 'stable' version). All content on this branch has been reviewed and is ready for publication.

All bugfixes and solution doc enhancements (i.e., changes that do not introduce content for as-yet-unreleased features) should be merged to the release branch (v1) after they are merged into master. Open a pull request from master to the release branch. These can be self-merged once tests pass.

NOTE: If you can't merge master into the release branch, you can cherry-pick the commits to the release branch instead.

Content for upcoming releases

Open pull requests for content that cannot be published yet against a "pre-release" branch for the product (you can create one if it doesn't exist). When you're ready to release the product, merge your release branch into master. You can publish the documentation by merging master into the release branch.


All work should be done in your fork. When you're ready to add your work to this repo, open a pull request into master. Assign at least one member of the @China_OpenStack_Team team to review the PR by @ mentioning them in your PR comment and/or assigning the PR to that person.

You can combine multiple small bugfixes into the same PR. Submit one commit per issue; reference the issue # in the commit message for each fix.


When new product versions release:

  • update the releases and versioning doc
  • merge the master branch (or cherry-pick merge commits) into the release branch (v1) to publish the new content
  • create a new tagged release from the release branch (v1) and indicate the products/versions the release pertains to in the release notes.

Style, Voice, Tools, etc.

Consult the F5 Open Source Documentation Style Guide if you have any questions about voice, style, tools, etc.