Now we want to prevent that users can see each others todos! A user must login to see his own ToDos.
Install package jsonwebtoken
npm i jsonwebtoken
Adapt your GET route /todos
- Check for existence of a JWT token in req.headers.authorization
- If token not present:
- Show error message "No token present. Please login" together with status 401 (Unauthorized)
- If token present:
- verify token using jwt.verify(token, secret) method
- store the result of jwt.verify in a variable
- console.log the variable
- in log you should see user data with the ID of the user
- fetch todos JUST of this user!
- hint:
ToDo.find({...}).then(todos => ...)
- hint:
Adapt your POST route /login
- Increase the expiry time to 5 hours (=> expiresIn: "5h")
Testing - Use RESTED client (or fetch in Browser console)
- Login a user (call POST /login with valid credentials)
- Copy the received token
- Call the GET route /todos in RESTED
- Set a header "Authorization" with value of your token
- Now you should get just the todos of the given user
- Try once more to login as another user
- Fetch the todos of that user
- Login a user (call POST /login with valid credentials)
Congratulations. You now created your first multi-user application!
With express-validator we can not just validate body and params. We can also validate HTTP headers.
- Import the "header" function from the express-validator package
- Write a middleware that checkes for presence of the authorization header:
- See also: Express-Validator check sources
- Call method validationResult() to get the errors
- If validationResult delivers errors: Send error message