This is my Design Patterns repository containing state of the art examples of practical usage of Design Patterns in Python.
Design Patterns are typically split into three categories. This is called Gamma Categorization after Erich Gamma, one of Gang of Four authors.
- Creational Patterns:
- Deal with the creation (construction) of objects
- Explicit (constructor) vs. implicit (DI, reflection, etc.)
- Wholesale (single statement) vs. piecewise (step-by-step)
- Structural Patterns:
- Concerned with the structure (e.g. class members)
- Many patterns are wrappers that mimic the underlying class' interface
- Behavioral Patterns:
- They are all different - no central theme
Once you have successfully installed Bazel you can run the code using:
bazel test //creational_patterns/factory_pattern
You can use my following Docker image to instantiate a container locally with Ubuntu and Bazel already installed:
docker run -it --rm framaxwlad/ubuntu_dev:latest
There you can simply clone the repository:
git clone
cd design_patterns/
And use a bazel command to run the program:
bazel test //structural_patterns/exercises:structural_patterns_test