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Assembly Lamp 25CMLED

FLMRobert edited this page Mar 25, 2018 · 6 revisions

Assembly Instructions Lamp 25CMLED


The assembly instructions below describe how to assemble the lasercut grip of LED lamp 25CMLED.

By mounting the grip to an aluminium profile with three LED modules (OpenLedModule, Module 1), you get a transportable hand lamp which is powered by a battery pack.

25CMLED Grip Kit

The 25CMLED grip kit consists of

  • 12 lasercuts with 5 mm thickness
  • 8 lasercuts with 3 mm thickness
  • 3 short screws M3
  • 2 long screws M3
  • 1 switch
  • 1 battery holder (6 x AA)
  • 1 battery clip

Required Tools

You need these tools for assembling the grip of lamp 25CMLED:

  • 2 screw clamps
  • 2 clamps
  • soldering iron
  • third hand
  • lighter

Required Material

You need this additional material assembling the grip of lamp 25CMLED:

  • glue (wood)
  • solder
  • heat shrinking tubes, small
  • heat shrinking tube, large
  • wires (double)

Assembly Instructions

Battery Holder Assembly

Step Illustration Instructions
1 Prepare the 25CMLED grip kit and the aluminium profile
2 Unpack the 25CMLED grip kit
3 Mount the lower floor part of the battery holder with 3 short bolts/nuts to the aluminium profile
4 Prepare glue (wood) and two screw clamps. Prepare the side parts of the battery holder and the upper floor part of the battery holder. Attention: locate the parts with thickness 3 mm and 5 mm at the correct side!
5 Attention: do NOT apply glue to the parts connecting with the floor parts!
6 Detail: glue applied to the side parts.
7 Stabilize the battery holder by inserting the upper floor part.
8 Fix the battery holder from the bottom/top by fastening it with a screw clamp to the table. Attention: don't clamp to strongly. Wait at least for five minutes until the glue is hardened.

Grip Assembly

Step Illustration Instructions
9 Prepare the grip parts and two long bolts/nuts.
10 Stack the grip parts according to the numbers and screw them together. Attention: the outermost grip parts are not numbered. Make sure that the line engraved in the outermost grip parts face to the outside.
11 Prepare the round grip parts and two clamps.
12 Apply glue to the upper side of grip parts 3 and 2. Prepare grip part 1 (not numbered) and make sure that the rectangular cutout is located at the upper left. Glue grip part 2 on top of grip part 3. Glue grip part 1 on top of grip part 2. Compress the grip parts with two clamps and wait at least 5 minutes until the glue is hardened.
13 Place the switch cable inside of the grip.
14 Slip grip part 8 over the grip until it aligns with the the engraved line.
15 Slip grip parts 7,6,5 over the grip.
16 Slip grip part 4 over the grip, and make sure that cable comes out of the rectangular cutout.
17 Slip the glued grip parts 3,2,1 over the grip and make sure that the cable comes out of the cutout.
18 Prepare soldering iron, solder, third hand and the switch. Solder the switch cable to the switch contacts.
19 Grip with soldered switch.
20 Prepare the glued battery holder. Loosen the clamps of the battery holder and unplug the battery holder from
the aluminium profile.
21 Slide the grip into the battery holder Attention: make sure to retract the switch cable a bit, before mounting the grip.
22 Mount the switch into the grip, by sliding the cable into the grip, so that the cable slides into the battery holder.
Mount the switch by pressing it into the grip.

Mounting of Battery Housing

Step Illustration Instructions
23 Preapre aluminium profile, LED cable, glue (wood) and screw clamp. Attach the LED cable to the first module, and fully slide the cable through the hole in the aluminium profile. Apply glue to the lower floor part of the battery housing.
24 Bend the LED cable into the pocket in the lower floor part.
25 Slide the LED cable through the upper floor part and then glue the upper floor part to the lower floor part.
26 Clamp the aluminium profile including mounted floor parts to a table and make sure that the glue hardens for at least five minutes.
27 Apply glue to the lower plugs of the battery housing.
28 Plug the battery housing to the floor parts on the aluminium profile and make sure that the glue hardens for at least five minutes.


Step Illustration Instructions
29 Prepare battery clip and battery pack. Plug the battery clip to the battery pack and push the cables through the holes so that they stick out at the other side of the battery pack.
30 Cables rerouted to other side of the battery pack.
31 Prepare soldering iron, solder, heat shrinking tubes, lighter and third hand.
32 Solder the cables (1) battery cable red to switch cable red, (2) battery cable black to LED cable black and (3) switch cable black to LED cable red.
33 Insulate all soldered cables with head shrinking tubes
34 Slide the battery pack into the battery holder.
35 Slide the big heat shrinking tube over the cables.
36 Bend the heat shrinking tube to fasten the cables.