This is an example of usage E104-BT52
serial to BLE module, which can provide wireless data transmission between microcontroller units,
personal computers, mobile phones and etc.
Target MCU - STM32F103C6T6 (BluePill)
Toolchain - IAR EWARM v9.20.1
It is assumed that you have at least two the same BLE modules.
First module (Slave) should be configured as follows:
- Connect one module to COM port via USB to TTL adapter (Vcc = 3.3V)
- Configure the serial port according to BLE module default parameters
- BaudRate - 115200
- DataBits - 8
- StopBits - 1
- Parity - none
- Send "AT" throught terminal. You should get "+OK" as a response from module.
- Send "AT+ROLE=0" in order to choose slave role for this module.
- Send "AT+LOGMSG=1" if you want to see the connection status
- Send "AT+MAC?" to get 6 byte slave address. Paste it to **/Include/main.h instead of predefined values in
const uint8_t SlaveMAC[6] = {0x32, 0x00, 0x00, 0xB1, 0x9A, 0x01};
- Send "AT+TRANMD=1" to put module into transparent transmission mode and allow to receive data without any processing
- Send "AT+RESET" to take effects of configuration
There is no need to configure the master device manually. Just connect it to MCU's USART I/Os.
After successful startup master will send sentence "Connection success from master".
Now you can send data from terminal and bufferRX array will contain it.
Access to array can be achieved during debug session.