for old version of python you can use
- asynchronous
- support python 3.5+ versions
- have only one dependency -
aiohttp 3+
- support two-factor authentication
- support socks proxy with
- support rate limit of requests
- support Long Poll connection
- need refactoring tests for
pip install aiovk
In all the examples below, I will give only the {code}
async def func():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
TokenSession - if you already have token or you use requests which don't require token
session = TokenSession()
session = TokenSession(access_token='asdf123..')
ImplicitSession - client authorization in js apps and standalone (desktop and mobile) apps
>>> session = ImplicitSession(USER_LOGIN, USER_PASSWORD, APP_ID)
>>> await session.authorize()
>>> session.access_token
With scopes:
ImplicitSession(USER_LOGIN, USER_PASSWORD, APP_ID, 'notify')
ImplicitSession(USER_LOGIN, USER_PASSWORD, APP_ID, 'notify,friends')
ImplicitSession(USER_LOGIN, USER_PASSWORD, APP_ID, ['notify', 'friends'])
ImplicitSession(USER_LOGIN, USER_PASSWORD, APP_ID, 3) # notify and friends
Also you can use SimpleImplicitSessionMixin
for entering confirmation code
or captcha key
AuthorizationCodeSession - authorization for server apps or Open API
See for getting the CODE
>>> session = AuthorizationCodeSession(APP_ID, APP_SECRET, REDIRECT_URI, CODE)
>>> await session.authorize()
>>> session.access_token
>>> session = AuthorizationCodeSession(APP_ID, APP_SECRET, REDIRECT_URI)
>>> await session.authorize(CODE)
>>> session.access_token
Authorization using context manager - you won't need to use session.close() after work
async with aiovk.TokenSession(access_token=YOUR_VK_TOKEN) as ses:
api = API(ses)...
And your session will be closed after all done or code fail(similar to simple "with" usage) Works with all types of authorization
HttpDriver - default driver for using aiohttp
>>> driver = HttpDriver()
>>> driver = HttpDriver(timeout=10) # default timeout for all requests
>>> driver = ProxyDriver(PROXY_ADDRESS, PORT) # 1234 is port
>>> driver = ProxyDriver(PROXY_ADDRESS, PORT, timeout=10)
>>> driver = ProxyDriver(PROXY_ADDRESS, PORT, PROXY_LOGIN, PROXY_PASSWORD, timeout=10)
How to use custom driver with session:
>>> session = TokenSession(..., driver=HttpDriver())
How to use driver with own loop:
>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>> asyncio.set_event_loop(None)
>>> session = TokenSession(driver=HttpDriver(loop=loop)) # or ProxyDriver
How to use driver with custom http session object:
Solve next problem:
>>> connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False)
>>> session = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector)
>>> driver = HttpDriver(loop=loop, session=session)
LimitRateDriverMixin - mixin class what allow you create new drivers with speed rate limits
>>> class ExampleDriver(LimitRateDriverMixin, HttpDriver):
... requests_per_period = 3
... period = 1 #seconds
First variant:
>>> session = TokenSession()
>>> api = API(session)
>>> await api.users.get(user_ids=1)
[{'first_name': 'Pavel', 'last_name': 'Durov', 'id': 1}]
Second variant:
>>> session = TokenSession()
>>> api = API(session)
>>> await api('users.get', user_ids=1)
[{'first_name': 'Pavel', 'last_name': 'Durov', 'id': 1}]
Also you can add timeout
argument for each request or define it in the session
See for detailed API guide.
It is useful when a bot has a large message flow
>>> session = TokenSession()
>>> api = LazyAPI(session)
>>> message = api.users.get(user_ids=1)
>>> await message()
[{'first_name': 'Pavel', 'last_name': 'Durov', 'id': 1}]
Supports both variants like API object
For documentation, see:
Use exist API object
>>> api = API(session)
>>> lp = UserLongPoll(api, mode=2) # default wait=25
>>> await lp.wait()
>>> await lp.wait()
Use Session object
>>> lp = UserLongPoll(session, mode=2) # default wait=25
>>> await lp.wait()
>>> await lp.get_pts() # return pts
>>> await lp.get_pts(need_ts=True) # return pts, ts
191231223, 1820350345
You can iterate over events
>>> async for event in lp.iter():
... print(event)
{"type":..., "object": {...}}
Notice that wait
value only for long pool connection.
Real pause could be more wait
time because of need time
for authorization (if needed), reconnect and etc.
For documentation, see:
Use exist API object
>>> api = API(session)
>>> lp = BotsLongPoll(api, group_id=1) # default wait=25
>>> await lp.wait()
>>> await lp.wait()
Use Session object
>>> lp = BotsLongPoll(session, group_id=1) # default wait=25
>>> await lp.wait()
>>> await lp.get_pts() # return pts
>>> await lp.get_pts(need_ts=True) # return pts, ts
191231223, 1820350345
BotsLongPoll supports iterating too
>>> async for event in lp.iter():
... print(event)
{"type":..., "object": {...}}
Notice that wait
value only for long pool connection.
Real pause could be more wait
time because of need time
for authorization (if needed), reconnect and etc.
For documentation, see:
from aiovk.pools import AsyncVkExecuteRequestPool
async with AsyncVkExecuteRequestPool() as pool:
response = pool.add_call('users.get', 'YOUR_TOKEN', {'user_ids': 1})
response2 = pool.add_call('users.get', 'YOUR_TOKEN', {'user_ids': 2})
response3 = pool.add_call('users.get', 'ANOTHER_TOKEN', {'user_ids': 1})
response4 = pool.add_call('users.get', 'ANOTHER_TOKEN', {'user_ids': -1})
>>> print(response.ok)
>>> print(response.result)
[{'id': 1, 'first_name': 'Павел', 'last_name': 'Дуров'}]
>>> print(response2.result)
[{'id': 2, 'first_name': 'Александра', 'last_name': 'Владимирова'}]
>>> print(response3.result)
[{'id': 1, 'first_name': 'Павел', 'last_name': 'Дуров'}]
>>> print(response4.ok)
>>> print(response4.error)
{'method': 'users.get', 'error_code': 113, 'error_msg': 'Invalid user id'}
from aiovk.pools import AsyncVkExecuteRequestPool
pool = AsyncVkExecuteRequestPool()
response = pool.add_call('users.get', 'YOUR_TOKEN', {'user_ids': 1})
response2 = pool.add_call('users.get', 'YOUR_TOKEN', {'user_ids': 2})
response3 = pool.add_call('users.get', 'ANOTHER_TOKEN', {'user_ids': 1})
response4 = pool.add_call('users.get', 'ANOTHER_TOKEN', {'user_ids': -1})
await pool.execute()